Friday, May 2, 2014

Confederation of Central Government Employees and Workers Karnataka State

           The COC Karnataka meeting held on 30/4/14 held at ITEF Bangalore has deliberated on National wage policy and Central Government Employees wages, please go through this article.

Comradely yours

General Secretary

National wage policy and Central Government Employees wages.

What is national wage policy?
Main objectives of national wage policy in India are discussed below:
One of the objectives of economic planning is the raising of the standard of living of the people. This means that the benefits of planned economic development should be distributed among the different sections of the society.
Therefore, in achieving a socialistic pattern of society, the needs for proper rewards to the working class of the countryman never is over emphasised.
A national wage policy, thus aims at establishing wages at the highest possible level, which the economic conditions of the country permit and ensuring that the wage earner gets a fair share of the increased prosperity of the country as a whole resulting from the economic development.
The term “wage policy” here refers to legislation or government action calculated to affect the level or structure of wages or both, for the purpose of attaining specific objectives of social and economic policy.
1. To eliminate malpractices in the payment of wages.
2. To set minimum wages for workers, whose bargaining position is weak due to the fact that they are either un-organised or inefficiently organised. In other words, to reduce wage differential between the organised and unorganised sectors.
3. To rationalise inter-occupational, inter-industrial and inter-regional wage differentials in such a way that disparities are reduced in a phased manner.
4. To ensure reduction of disparities of wages and salaries between the private sector and public sector in a phased manner.
5. To compensate workers for the raise in the cost of living in such a manner that in the process, the ratio of disparity between the highest paid and the lowest paid worker is reduced.
6. To provide for the promotion and growth of trade unions and collective bargaining.
7. To obtain for the workers a just share in the fruits of economic development.
8. To avoid following a policy of high wages to such an extent that it results in substitution of capital for labour thereby reducing employment.
9. To prevent high profitability units with better capacity to pay a level of wages far in excess of the prevailing level of wages in other sectors.
10.To permit bilateral collective bargaining within national framework so that high wage islands are not created.
11.To encourage the development of incentive systems of payment with a view to raising productivity and the real wages of workers.
12.To bring about a more efficient allocation and utilisation of man-power through wage differentials and appropriate systems of payments. In order to achieve the above objectives under the national wage policy, the following regulations have been adopted by the state:

The 7th CPC has asked us two important questions for comparison of pay scales one question in Para No 2 and other in Para No 7.

The Central Government employment consists of nearly 90% of Group “C” workers, there interest should be protected while demanding wages, and we should not ask for a fair wages in comparison with public sector undertakings nor private sector as the wages are high in Central Government sector compared to other sectors .  The National wage policy will affect the wage structure of the CG employees badly rather than benefitting it.  
Government is a model employer and they should pay us need base minimum wage as per 15th ILO which works out Rs 27,000/ since initial recruitment is taking place at MTS they should give us Rs 35,000/ as minimum salary.    

There should not be any comparison with perquisites between Government and the private sector nor any other sector, because of following facts: 
a)   The duties and responsibilities of the Central Government employees are quite different with private persons.  
b)   Highly talented persons are being recruited to the Central Government services. 
c)   The Central Government employees are more responsible and accountable than private services. 
d)    The Scientific & Technical services and other of the Central Government services much more advanced and have more technical knowledge than private counterparts.

e)   Main consideration in the private sector being ‘profit’, and in Government it is “service” hence an equal comparison with the Government is not going to be ever possible.

f)    The motto of the Government various agencies in the Government such as Railways, Postal, Agriculture, Water, Research Departments etc. is “service’”. Government is a model employer, hence the wages should be paid as per requirement not considering profit. Railways, Income Tax & Central Excise are revenue earning departments. 

g)   The salaries vary from sector to sector in private, In IT & BT salary structure is very high compared to all Government employees, at Group “B” and above the salaries of the Government employees are lower than Private sector at all sectors.      

h)   The Central Government Employees are in public contact, they are answerable to general public such as Railways, Postal, Income tax, Central Excise etc.

i)             Many of the allowances are net of taxes in private sector. Where as in  Central Government allowances are taxed.    

ii)                  The Central Government employees once they join easily they donot leave the Govt. service, in case of private employment they change nearly  five companies in life term easily .  The employees in Central Government are more committed to work.

iii)                 The minimum wage work out to Rs 200/ per day for 24 days it works out to Rs 4800/ as wages , The need based minimum wage as per 15 ILO  works out to Rs 27,000/-

Please go through the list of  pay scales
PSU Pay Scales
Engineers India
Officers at levels 12 & above
Level 20 - 23750-28550
Level 19 - 20500-26500
Level 18 - 19500-25600
Level 17 - 19000-24750
Level 16 - 18500-23900
Level 15 - 17500-22300
Level 14 - 16000-20800
Level 13 - 13750-18700
Level 12 - 12000-17500
Employees at levels 1-9
Level 9 - 7400-14750
Level 8 - 6700-13700
Level 7 - 6300-13000
Level 6 - 5800-11800
Level 5 - 5400-10850
Level 4 - 5000-9800
Level 3 - 4800-8900
Level 2 - 4600-8400
Level1 - 4300-7500

E9 - 23750-28550
E8 - 20500-26500
E7A - 19500-25600
E7 - 19000-24750
E6 - 18500-23900
E5 - 17500-22300
E4 - 16000-20800
E3 - 13750-18700
E2A - 12000-17500
E-2 - 11225-17250
E-1 - 10750-16750
SG - 10000-16000
W11/S4 - 9300-15590
W10/S3 - 8600-14920
W9/S2 - 7900-13700
W8/S1- 7300-12660
W7 - 6700-11750
W6 - 6200-11200
W5 - 5800-10790
W4 - 5400-10350
W3 - 5000-9590
W2 - 4700-9010
W1- 4400-8430
W0 - 3750-5450

ONGC pay scales
Senior Worker
Attendant Grade -I
Attendant Grade -II
Attendant Grade –III
Junior Attendant
Assistant Junior Technician/Assistant
Rig man/Assistant Grade III
Junior Assistant Technician/Junior
Head Worker
Deputy Head Worker
Senior Worker
If we compare the salary of bank employees with Central Government employees we can find that Central Government Employees are better paid than Bank employees.
For example a clerk in Bank and Central Government  
Central Govt. the minimum salary at entry level  of LDC is Rs 19,000/-
In case of Assistant level it is around Rs 34,000/
In case of Bank Clerk employees it is Rs 17,000/-
JMGS I officers in a bank is Rs.32,471
 Expected Gross Salaries After IBA offer of 10% Hike on 27.01.2014 is Rs 18709/- even this is lower than present salary structure of the CG employees.

Private Sector vs CG employees.

Post Office:
Postal Clerk : Rs 19,000/
Co-operative Society bank clerk Rs 10,000/-
Post men in CG gets Rs 17,000/- as salary
Courier service boy will get Rs 8,000/- as salary .

IT sector:
An Engineer in CG gets Rs 35,000/- as salary
An Engineer I IT sector gets 45,000/ as salary.
Driver :
A driver in CG gets salary from Rs 19,000/ to 45,000/
In Private sector it is Rs 10,000/- to Rs 20000/-
A MTS in CG gets salary from Rs 17,000/ to 25,000/
In Private sector it is Rs 5,000/- to Rs 10000/-

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