Dear Loco Running men,
Even without a demand from
any section of the workers/trade unions, Railway Board has formed an empowered
committee to device a new formula for the rate of running allowance. This is an usual practice of the Railways
which often tries to manipulate the parameters of the formula of rate of
running allowance or the formula itself.
During 1992 Railway arbitrarily
enhanced the denominator factor of the formula National Average Kilometerage
3950 to 5100 and betrayed us. In 1996/98
due to our high tempered struggles we received just rate of running allowance.
But in 2002 Railway again tried to deceive the running staff by introducing a new
concept of “depression theory”. But
due to unity of locomen, the wish of the Railway administration was stalled. Then again in 2008 while doubling the mileage
rate Railway denied the proportionate raise in the rate of running allowance on
par with rate of TA. And instead of mean pay railway took minimum pay of
LP(passenger), but railway has followed the formula. Now when there is no demand from the workers
Railway administration has formed a committee and their ill motive is known to
When AILRSA Leaders met Member (Staff) on 08.04.2013 AILRSA registered their opposition to the
formation of the empowered committee. And it is happy to know that unlike past,
both federations have opposed it.
But some propaganda has been advanced to disunite the
worker and it is necessary to analyse it critically.
Some propagate that RAC 1980 has
given two formulae, formula No.1 is to decide percentage of pay element and the
No. 2 is to decide the rate of running allowance. This
statement is against the fact or misunderstanding the concept. RAC 1980 was the first committee to decide
the quantum of pay element. They tried various methods and arrived various
percentages. Para 715 of report of RAC 1980states that “ considering all
the aspects of the matter including the percentages arrived at by the various
methods outlined above, the committee is of the view that it would be on the
whole fair and equitable to take the pay element in running allowance as 30% of
the basic pay of running staff”. Thus RAC 1980 concluded at 30% as guess work
only. But it was decided once for
all. They have not recommended any
formula to periodically review quantum of pay element (Ref. Para 709 to 715 of
RAC 1980 report). But with regard to the rate of Running Allowance RAC 1980
adopted a definite methodology which was not disputed by anybody including Railway
administration and followed by Railways
upto 25th Nov 2008. This can be proved from the para 13 and 14 of the
report of the Joint Committee on Running Allowance on 2008. In which they have arrived the amount as per
formula and which is near to double. Our
complaint on the decision of 2008 committee is that though formula has been
followed but the rate of TA assumed was
Rs.210 and in the next three days it was revised as Rs.340. We came to know
that both the federations pressed for retention of pay element for which we are
happy. But the federations should not fall prey to Railway’s anti labour policy
and should not accept to abandon the formula.
Various pay commissions also dealt
with running allowance, but left the matter to Railways. It is clear from the para 30, chapter IV of II CPC, para 181 to
187, chapter VI of III CPC, para 10.455 to 10.456 of IV CPC that all CPCs were
fully aware of the arrangement of Pay Element in running allowance in Railways
and never recommended to review the % of pay element.
Further it is necessary to understand
that National Industrial Tribunal (NIT) is not merely a court to file a case by
AILRSA. But Ministry of Labour has realised that the dispute between AILRSA and
Railways will have consequences nationwide and the demands of AILRSA have
merits to adjudicate and hence formed NIT and referred the matter to NIT. AILRSA
has not raised any dispute on the formula before NIT. AILRSA has disputed the
rate of TA taken and minimum pay taken for the calculation of rate of running
So as usual Railway has formed
Empowered Committee to deceive the Runningmen. The need of the hour is to unite
the Running staff against the Railway’s ill intention and 30% and 55% pay
element are to be protected.
Hence AILRSA gives clarion call to
all the loco runningmen to participate in the various agitations going to be
conducted against the empowered committee.

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