Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Railway union leaders 'using official properties to house their own families'

By Maneesh Pandey

Railway unions and staff associations, which have the mandate to fight for the cause of employees of the country's largest transporter, have emerged as one of the biggest 'property grabbers' in the Capital.

Documents accessed by Mail Today show that at least 53 properties located in Delhi's upscale areas, such as Babar Lane, Panchkuian Road, Basant Lane, State Entry Road and Chelmsford Road, have been allotted in the name of railway associations' offices but are "being used by the office bearers' families".
The revelation also bolsters CBI director Ranjit Sinha's charge that Railway Protection Force (RPF) association general secretary Uma Shanker Jha was "illegally" keeping three official accommodations.
Though Jha dismissed the allegation, the CBI chief's charge was not without a reason.
Based on the internal probe, both the Panchkuian Road allotments have been cancelled, leaving Railway Protection Force (RPF) association general secretary Uma Shanker Jha with one bungalow at State Entry Road, next to Connaught Circus
Based on the internal probe, both the Panchkuian Road allotments have been cancelled, leaving Railway Protection Force (RPF) association general secretary Uma Shanker Jha with one bungalow at State Entry Road, next to Connaught Circus

Next to Bengali Market at Babar Lane, there are rooms allotted in the name of union offices, but these have been converted into houses
Next to Bengali Market at Babar Lane, there are rooms allotted in the name of union offices, but these have been converted into houses

Railway officials refused to comment on the investigation
Railway officials refused to comment on the investigation

Internal probe
Top railway sources confirmed that an internal inquiry by the Rail Bhavan had found that two properties - 208/A-1 and 208/C-3, at posh Panchkuian Road railway officers' colony - in the name of Jha's association were being "used by his family members," a charge he denies, saying Sinha's "personal vendetta" was behind the action. 


Mail Today's report that many of the 53 properties allotted to railway unions and staff associations in Delhi's upscale areas are being used by the families of office-bearers is reason for the authorities to wake up.
Earlier there were reports of top railway officials availing of official accommodation at two places and staying at their posh Delhi accommodation long after their tenure got over.
Taken together these stories speak of a working culture at India's largest employer that may be behind many of its ills.
Something he can't deny is the fact that based on the internal probe, both the Panchkuian Road allotments have been cancelled, leaving Jha with one bungalow at State Entry Road, next to Connaught Circus.
But this triggered a blame game among 10-odd railway associations "allegedly holding the official premises in different names and criteria, but eventually to serve themselves".
Next to Bengali Market at Babar Lane, there are rooms allotted in the name of union offices, but these have been converted into houses of All India Railwaymen's Federation (AIRF) and Northern Railwaymen's Union (NRMU).
At Basant Lane, which is next to Panchkuian Road, there are Type IV houses allotted to these unions and one Type V at Chelmsford Road allotted to National Federation of Indian Railwaymen (NFIR).
Frustrated at the probe, Jha told Mail Today: "I am not the only one keeping such allotments… in fact, mine are genuine and being used by the RPF Association.
"There are others which are keeping at least dozens each to their name."
Jha was pointing to AIRF and NFIR. He also talked about the documents showing at least 53 such properties.
Mail Today had reported last month on Indian Railways' top brass retaining official bungalows in posh areas in the national Capital and keeping twin accommodations - one in Delhi and the other at the place of posting.
Railway officials refused to comment on the "illegal retention of the official accommodation".
At one of such premises mentioned in the documents, registered as an office, a Mail Today photojournalist was threatened with dire consequences by a couple residing there.
 Mail Today has previously reported on Indian Railways' top brass retaining official bungalows in posh areas in the national Capital
Mail Today has previously reported on Indian Railways' top brass retaining official bungalows in posh areas in the national Capital
This "misuse" of official accommodation, however, has not stopped AIFR officials from seeking more allotments.
"Even the current allotment is too little for the number of associations and office bearers and we have many pending requests with the Railway Board," said AIRF general secretary Shiv Gopal Mishra, who commands the support of at least 14 lakh railwaymen.
On the possibility of cancellation of property allotment, Mishra said, "As long as we have the mandate of railway people and we command the love and respect of railwaymen, this is highly unlikely."

RPF general secretary's legal missive to CBI chief

Irked over his name being dragged into the list of "illegal squatters of railway accommodation", RPF general secretary had shot off a legal notice to the CBI director last month.
U S Jha has blamed CBI Director Ranjit Sinha for triggering Railway Board's internal probe, which "cancelled his two allotments" at the Panchkuian Road Officers Colony.
He has also demanded a compensation of Rs 51 lakh from Sinha for causing "loss of reputation".'
Mail Today has a copy of legal notice dated May 18, 2013, sent to Sinha, which clearly points that he is "keeping the accommodations allotted to him as these have been given to other senior union leaders."
Quoting the Rail Ministry telephone directory, the legal note says: "railways quarters no 166/3, 166/2, 166/1 at Panchkuian Road, 21-A at Chelmsford Road and 428/1, Chikalguda, Secundarabad all have been allotted to the National Federation of Indian Railwaymen (NFIR)'s general secretary, president and working president and vice-president.
Similarly, All-India Railwaymen's Federation have also been allotted various railway quarters.''
The note added, "in the light of above mentioned facts, the allotments - one at State Entry Road and two other houses in Panchkuian Road Colony - are not in violation of any service rules.
The three accommodations have been allotted to the All-India RPF Association and not to Jha in personal capacity.''

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/indiahome/indianews/article-2339120/Railway-union-leaders-using-official-properties-house-families.html#ixzz2VuTrEI74
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