Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Indias Pride Forever Indian Railways 

January 15, 2013
Back in the nineteenth century, India had not many means of transportation. People used to travel long distances by other tedious means. Thanks to the British, the first rail line was set up in 1867, making it possible for people to travel directly from Bombay to Calcutta. From then on, the rail industry in the country has been expanding without an end. 

Officially founded on the 16th of April 1853, Indian government owns and runs Indian Railways through the Railway Ministry. Today this industry, successfully serving the people of its country for years together, is one of the most revenue raising organizations of the country, bringing in crores of rupees to the nation with every passing year.

The first train introduced in 1853, ran from Bombay to Thane. These trains serve as passenger trains as well as goods trains. Even today, many metropolitan cities like Mumbai have trains as their local mode of transport. Most trains today run on electricity, which are about 2500 AC volts. In the country, twenty-four states and three union territories link together with the help of these trains. Apart from this, it also provides limited international service to Nepal, Bangladesh and Pakistan.

The trains are responsible for safely carrying over twenty million people and 2.8 million tons of freight daily. Trains run throughout the country connecting cities and in some places, they run locally connecting places within a city. The industry is also one of Indias largest revenue fetching organizations, bringing in almost 106,604 billion rupees into the country. 

The government is using this money to expand the organization in various dimensions, thereby providing more employment to its people. It is the fourth largest commercial employer of the world having over 1.4 million employees working under it. It thus serves as the bread and butter to the millions of people around the country. It ensures enough and more recruitments occur in different regions of the country every year, thus providing employment for a wide range of people with different qualifications.

In addition to providing good salaries for people to live on with comfort, the railway ministry also grants concessions intickets for travel, to the employees. This being a government job, employees can avail all facilities like apartments to stay, pensions after retirement, and so on. The railway recruitments also give reservations to people of backward classes and hence, encouraging them to work and earn well. Thanks to organizations like these, a large part of India is living in comfort.

It is but sure that every Indian must have traveled in a train at least once. For if he or she has not, then he or she is definitely missing out something and the journey remains incomplete. Even today, the Indian Railways is expanding and growing steadily. Having over 115,000 km of track running throughout the country, it is one of the world’s largest railwaynetworks today. There is a sense of security and safety that every Indian carries in his or her heart while traveling in a trainthat no other means of transportation is able to provide.

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