/ resolutions are taken in CWC meeting of AILRSA and later in joint meeting of
The central working committee meeting of the All India Loco
Running Staff Association was held at Kalyan, Mumbai division of Central
Railway on 5th and 6th of January 2013 presided by Com.
N. Sarkar and the following resolutions were passed unanimously.
Resolution on the SPAD directives
The meeting
on SPAD held in Railway Board on 12/06/2012 gave 58 directives for
implementation in all zonal Railways. Though some of the directives are
implemented or ensued for implementation, but many of the core directives are
not implemented or any action seems to be taken for implementation, which are
as follows.
A2 - There
is a need to improve the condition of driving cabs by making them sound proof
and ergonomic and to relocate the horn so that the sound level is within
limits. Cab should also be made air conditioned.
A7- Loco
pilots’ seat quality as well as the quality should be improved with back rest
provision as well as the quality of Brake-van also be improved.
B4 - Calendar
day rest should be provided to running staff instead of 22 / 30 hrs rest so
that they may fulfill their family obligations.
C5 - Long
hours of crew should be minimized by providing relief. Railway should make
arrangements for hiring road vehicles to ensure the above.
C6 - Links
should be made in such a way so that there are not more than 2/3 continuous
night duties. Also efforts should be made that the running staff is not made to
perform more than 6 hours duty during 22:00 to 06:00 hours.
C13 - loco
Pilot should only work on one traction i.e., diesel or electrical.
C16- The
rest at headquarters and at out stations should be liberalized. A Crew or Guard
on 6 hrs outstation rest should be served call book after completing rest i.e.,
6 hrs + 2 hrs = 8 hrs.
D8 - Once
a month, each Loco Pilot should be made available during the day time in
headquarters so that proper counseling and monitoring can be undertaken.
E3 - The
maximum duty hours of Mail / Express Loco Pilots should be reduced to 6 hrs as
they encounter one signal every minute on an average during their run.
E10 - Running
staff which reports after leave / sickness should be booked after 6 hours
instead of 00.00 hours. Changes should also be made in CMS.
E16 - The
Loco Pilots should be provided protection from being arrested in case of
accidents or run over of animals as this causes anxiety and increases the
stress level of the Loco Pilots. The above minimum requirements should be
implemented to ensure safety in train operations to prevent SPAD as early as
This central working committee meeting
demands speedy action on the implementation of above
Demand for notification of equivalent non running pay scales
to running staff pay scales
After every
pay commission, Railway board used to notify equivalent stationary pay scales
to that of each category of running staff. After 6th CPC Railway
Board issued two orders in this regard -
one for eligibility criteria of departmental competitive examinations and
another for eligibility of privilege passes. But a general order is not issued
so far which creates problems in determining the eligibility of quarters,
absorption in alternative posts on medical decategorisation, etc. The Central
Working Committee meeting of All India Loco Running Staff Association and AIGC vehemently
protest against the inordinate delay in this regard and demand to issue the
required general order of equivalent stationary scales of Pay to each category
of running staff as been ordered after every pay revision.
Protest against MACP clarification order
Association vehemently protests against the clarificatory order on MACP issued
by the Railway Board vide RBE no. 142 / 2012 dated 13/12/2011. The
justification for denial of next grade pay on financial upgradation [MACP] is
that “ACP / MACP schemes have been introduced by the Government in order to
mitigate the problems of genuine stagnation faced by employees due to lack of
promotional avenues “. This is far away from the truth as the pay band and
Grade pay system introduced by the 6th CPC will not cause stagnation
to any employee. The MACP orders are issued after the 6th Central
Pay revision and stagnation of pay was not at all a point of consideration. In
fact the clarificatory order is mainly targeting the running staff and is in
gross violation of the rule of the country. Hon’ble CAT Ernakulam bench had
very clearly ruled quoting numerous Supreme court decisions that denial of
financial upgradation after completing 10
years in same grade pay is unlawful. So this meeting demand to cancel
the clarificatory order and allow MACP to running staff.
Resolution for allowing Tatkal reservation for privilege
pass / PTO
The central
working committee meeting demands to allow Tatkal reservation for privilege
passes and PTOs. Now a days 30% of berths / seats are allotted for Tatkal
booking. So getting reservation becomes more difficult. Large scale employment
at far off places from native becoming the rule of the day in Railways and the
fate of Railway employees is worsened. The fate of loco running staff is worst
as they are getting their leave sanctioned only on the previous day. So we
demand to allow Tatkal reservation for privilege passes / PTOs subject to the
collection of admissible Tatkal charges.
Demanding to consider the one way transfers
A large
number of Running Staff (Assistant Loco Pilot and Guard (Goods) have requested for an inter-divisional
transfer longing for working at their native place and they are pending before
the Railway administration. This meeting demands to consider them against the
direct recruitment quota of Assistant Loco Pilots and Guard in respective
divisions. Such a welfare measure will reduce the demand of leave among the
running staff and also will improve safety in train working.
Resolution on Safety Related Voluntary retirement Scheme
A safety
related voluntary retirement scheme was introduced in the year 2002 for Loco
Pilots between the age of 55 to 57 years of age with 35 years service, who
according to the Railways lose their reflexes due to longer hours of
work and unnatural working conditions and offered their wards an appointment as
Assistant Loco Pilots only. This order could not serve its very purpose as seen
from the records available through RTI that only 70 Loco Pilots were given
safety related voluntary retirement throughout the Indian Railways till 2010.
So we demand to modify the scheme in line with LARSGESS of other staff in
safety cadre by which loco running staff in all category should also be allowed
to opt for safety related voluntary retirement scheme on completion of 20 years
service in 50 – 55 Yrs age group and their wards may be offered suitable post according
to their educational qualification.
On minimum penalty of removal from service for Loco Pilots
and Assistant Loco Pilots involved in SPAD cases
The objective
of DAR is to enforce discipline among the employees. All penal codes give
differentiation between willful and unwillful offenses. But the directives
regarding the penalty to Loco Pilots and Assistant Loco Pilots involved in SPAD
cases are contrary to this general principle. It stipulates minimum penalty of
removal from service irrespective of the fact whether the offense was willful
or caused due to other contributory factors. The illfate of the Assistant Loco
Pilots are worst as they are awarded with the penalty of removal from service
irrespective of the fact that whether he has done his best to prevent the SPAD.
So this meeting demand to withdraw the Railway Board orders of 1968 for
imposition of minimum penalty of removal for Loco Pilots and 2012 circular for
imposition of same punishment for Assistant Loco Pilots. This will be in
accordance with the recommendation of Khanna committee too.
The central working committee held at KALYAN on 5th
and 6th JANUARY 2013 was attended by comrades from all Railways. After
detailed discussion the following organizational decisions and programme of
action is decided.
All zones should send
their membership statement and the duplicate foil of membership slip to the
central treasurer in his GHAZIABAD address before 10th February 2013 duly
informing him(09412518470).Central quota to be remitted to AILRSA account no.
00980100009189 of BANK OF BARODA, PAHARGANJ branch, NEW DELHI.
All dues towards NIT
fund, KUR victimization fund to be cleared by 10th February 2013.
The Zonal committee
should discuss about our role in the election of recognition for Trade Unions
in Railways taking in view of all alternative. We shall then finalized in a
Meeting of all Zonal secretaries which may be called in last week of Feb or 1st
week of March 2013. Date will be communicated at an earliest.
Send a letter to
GM/KOLKATTA METRO protesting against the move to increase of duty hours of
Motor Men
Programme of action
In support of two days’ General Strike
by Central Govt Employees and Central
Trade Unions including INTUC on 20st
and 21nd February 2013.
Paste wall posters,
release pamphlets and conduct gate meetings to propagate the demands of the
On implementation of
SPAD directives
Zonal meeting to be
called on short notice to identify and enlist the infringements of SPAD
directives in existing Crew and Guard’s links and enlist the same in the
following format.
Link numbers depot
Trains exceeding
6hrs duty
No. of cases with
more than 3 continuous nights
Trains with less
than 8hrs rest at outstation
Links without
calendar day rest
Demands day on 12th
February 2013 with badge wearing and
demonstration at divisional level a memorandum to be submitted to DRM copy to sent
to GENERAL MANAGER in the format of resolution on SPAD directives duly
attaching the above the table.
Individual inland letter
campaign to respective GMs from 20th to 27th February
Demonstration before GM
office on 14th March 2013.
National Convention
followed by Parliament march although we have discussed to organized in the
first week of APRIL followed by CWC meeting,
but parliament session will only be in last week of April and so the date will
be announced by SECRETARY GENERAL later, being confirmed the date be a joint
convention with AIGC and AILRSA on a day before in Delhi itself.
(M. N. Prasad)
General AILRSA
Note: -
Later Joint Action Committee of AILRSA met on 6th
Jan 2013 at 15hrs approved the above programmes. The Local important and urgent
demands may be included in the Memo to DRMs with the consent of both the
Organizations. Other Organizational decisions taken in Joint Meeting will be
circulated by Joint convener Com. M. P. Deb and S. K. Sukla.

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