Wednesday, January 9, 2013


        Executive Director,
        Mechanical Engineering (Traction)
        Railway Board, New Delhi

Respected Sir,


           REF   :     NO.2001/M (L)/467/2 DATED 12.11.2012

            This association would like to bring the misconceptions, false contentions and notions on the above subject to your esteemed attention for needful correction.

            As stated in the RB order, the recent cases of serious accidents did not occur for want of training, counseling, or monitoring of the running staff, but due to the draconian, inhuman, and weird HOER( six continuous night duty rule, 13 hours duty rule, and the  22/30 hours PR rule) thrust upon the loco running staff.  In addition denial of leave due to depressed sanctioned strength and non filling up of sanctioned strength has only exaggerated the woes of the loco running staff.   CCC/CPRC/CTLC are in no way related to the recent cases of accidents.  The SPAD minutes Vide No. 2004/M(L)/466/7101 dated 14.06.12 by Director Mechanical Engg. (Tr) has mainly addressed the causes of accidents to a large extent and suggested simple remedial measures such as reduction of duty hours to 6 limiting of night duties to 2 or 3 calendar day rest and many more.

            The conviction of the railway board that senior Loco Pilots are unwilling to opt for CCC/CPRC/CTLC posts is not true. And the contention that existing LI’s are seniors to occupy such posts needs rethink.  Railway still consider Loco Pilot(G) and Loco Pilot(P) as the qualification criteria for LI post instead of LP(M) and so railway board cannot declare that LI’s are the seniors in loco running cadre.  This argument seems to be the justification given by railway board to usurp the regular day duty CCC/CPRC/CTLC posts from Loco Pilots in a dubious way.  The LI’s drafted from LP(G) are entrusted to monitor loco pilots working in EMU/Pass/mail trains which is a futile exercise in absence  of working experience in passenger/mail/express trains.  Railway board has not bothered to rectify this anomaly, even though highlighted several times by AILRSA. Even though loss of emoluments  is  a serious concern to senior loco pilots  it can be compensated  by the railway board  enhancing 120KM per day to total Kilometerage of mail  crew link/month of  the concerned depot or like the LI’s being allowed 30% pay fixation and 120 KMS per  day for CCC/CPRC/CTLC.

            Presently when medically unsuitable/A1 unfit cases are increasing among loco pilots, taking away the existing CCC/CPRC/CTLC post will create problems in accommodating them suitably.
                                                                                                                            The E2 minutes of SPAD states that retirement age of Loco Pilots should be reduced to 55 years or they should be made CC/PRC/LI if they want to continue beyond 55 years.  E12 minutes of SPAD states that CC/PRC cadre should be permanent instead of drafted CC/PRC, conflicts with the E2 minutes of SPAD.  The RB order in question is in conflict with the SPAD minutes given earlier and appears to have no proper application of mind.  If most of the loco pilots above 55 are to be given non-running duty then LI, CTLC/CPRC/CCC posts should be made as an ex-cadre post for loco pilots above 55 years to ensure safety according SPAD minutes in its true spirit.

            Due to the above said reasons this association demands to modify the said order in reference giving utmost priority to the loco pilots for the post of CCC/CPRC/CTLC and in absence of applicants from loco pilots enhance emoluments on par with the LI’s to senior loco pilots drafted to work as CCC/CPRC/CTLC

Thanking you,
                                                                       Yours Sincerely
                                                                                                              Bangalore,                                                          (C. Sunish)
Copy : MM,ME,CRB/RB                                 

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