Tuesday, November 13, 2012

                            MINISTRY OF RAILWAYS
                                 (RAILWAY BOARD)

No.E (P&A) II-2012/PLB                                                                                   dated 05.11.2012

Shri.G.Rajan, Legal Adviser, NREU,
No.40/5, Suri Bhavan, 3nd Main,
16th Cross, Sampangiramanagar, 560027.
Sub: High court judgment dated 24.09.2012 in WP(C) No.6052/2012 filed   by Nairuthya Railway  Employees Union before High Court of Delhi.

      The Hon’ble High Court of Delhi in the above judgment has directed this Ministry to decide the representation dt. 30.8.2011 from Nairuthya Railways Employees Union (NREU)/HUBLI.

2. The said representations have been considered by Chairman, Railway Board. The representationist has made a case for payment of PLB for the year 2011 through Bank. In this representation it is stated that, sanction orders for payment of PLB for financial year 2011-12, were issued after taking into consideration the representations received from various employees associations, including those from Nairuthya Railways Employees Union, as well as the views of the administration on the issue of mode of payment of PLB. Accordingly PLB order dated 18.10.2012 were issued instructing the Railways to make the payment of PLB on priority in the same mode as salary. A copy of the Railway Board’s letter No.E (P&A) II -2012/PLB -4 dt. 18.10.2012 is enclosed herewith. 

3. The issue raised by NREU/Hubli, having been already considered before the issue of PLB sanction under for the 2011-2012, the representations of NREU/Hubli dated 30.8.2011 and 23.09.2011 stand disposed.
                                                                        (Prashant Mishra)
                                                                         Executive Director,
                                                                         Pay Commission-I
                                                                           Railway Board.
Copy to: NREU at Delhi Address:
Shri.G.Rajan,Legal Advisor, NREU,
 A-50 GF,Old Gupta Colony, New Delhi-110009.

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