Monday, November 12, 2012

Confederation of Central Government Employees and Workers Karnataka State


               CONFEDERATION  CHQ has  sought the support and solidarity for the strike action slated for 12th December, 2012 from various Central Government organisations in Defence and Railways and FNPO.  Similar letters are being addressed to all such organisations.  We appeal to all Central Government Employees to join the one day strike on 12.12.12 irrespective of affiliation  , on 15 point charter of demands, which include inter alia setting  up of the 7th CPC for wage revision, withdrawal of PFRDA Bill and extension of the defined benefit pension scheme to all Central Government employees  irrespective of date of their entry into Government service, removal of conditions imposed on compassionate appointments', stopping outsourcing contractorisation, five promotions in the service career as is provided to the organised group A services , merger of DA with pay, acceptance and implementation of arbitration awards, revival of the JCM functioning etc., etc

On 17th November during the JCTU convention to be held at Bangalore , we shall approach the Central Trade Unions and other Independent Federations seeking their support to make the strike total on 12th December, 2012. 

Mean while the CONFEDERATION  CHQ has written letters to Government of India for implementation of the minutes of meeting of National Anomaly Committee meeting held on 17thJuly, 2012 . for details see  Confederation Web Site:  

Comradely yours

General Secretary 

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