Wednesday, July 4, 2012

                     AILRSA SWR Zonal committee meeting held at AILRSA office, Hubli on 28.06.2012, presided by Vice President Sri. T.Sabu. The meeting discussed various problems prevailing in the zone and passed the following resolutions.

1.AILRSA welcomes the suggestions by Railway Board after the meeting regarding SPAD held at New Delhi on 12.06.2012, addressed to General Managers of Indian Railways to implement.

We demand GM to implement the following suggestions in priority base with in a target date of 15th Aug.2012.

 (In bracket the Sl Number in SPAD letter for reference)

i)             Limit the working hours of Mail/Express trains to 6hrs (E3)
ii)           Reduce continuous night duties to 2/3(C6)
iii)          Crew link to be revised by considering above points.
iv)          Change of crew at Dharmavaram for all trains.
v)           Liberalized Head Quarter and Out station Rest.(C16)
vi)          Calendar Day rest.(B4)
vii)        Reporting after leave to be made 6am(E10)
viii)       Validity of LRS to be made for 1 month.(C3)
ix)          Longer hours working to be minimized(C5)

2. To high light the suggestions of Railway Board, AILRSA decided to organize Gate Meetings in front of all crew booking depots of SWR on 06.07.2012 by 10hrs.

AILRSA demands to implement the suggestions by Railway Board within 15 August 2012 in war footing.

3. The Railway Board is silent on an important issue which increases   SPAD chances ie. Long hood working of WDP4 locos. AILRSA reiterate our stand that all the trains to be worked by short hood leading only. Turn tables can be provided where ever required.

4. The proposal of opening a crew depot at Chickjajur (JRU) may be with drawn as there are no basic amenities. A few year before such proposal was cancelled due to the agitation by AILRSA. AILRSA demands to make Vasco  as full fledged depot by posting ALPs there and abolish Castle Rock depot step by step. Also we demand to open new crew depot at Belgaum and Bijapur of Hubli Division and Shift the Sakleshpur depot of Mysore Division to Kankanadi(Mangalore) for the convenient of staff.

5. Due to lack of hostel facilities at STC/Bangalore new ALP trainees are accommodated in CYCD hostel Okalipuram. The unhygienic conditions of the hostel make the trainees sick and around 4 trainees are admitted in Railway Hospital. The program of construction of Hostel and extension of school is moving at a snail’s pace. It is known that Railway is spending Rs100 per trainee per day. Necessary action may be taken to make the place hygienic or shift the trainees to some other places. Hostel may be commissioned at the earliest.

6. Many trains are starting and terminating from Yeswanthpur.  So we demand to provide proper conveyance to and fro for the GDR instead of asking them to hire autos and staff has to run pillar to post to get reimbursement.

7. After the implementation of CRIS the system of maintaining SOB, Safety Circular etc is abolished. This is causing inconvenience to the staff. For referring old SOBs or Safety Circulars we have to wait since people will be waiting for sign on and off in the CMS. In order to avoid this, SOB and Safety Circulars registers to be maintained separately for the reference of the staff as earlier.

8. Railway Board has recommended for 100% housing for running staff (E6) but unfortunately even running pool quarters are being allotted to other staff. Recently one running pool Type III quarters at YPR is allotted to ADRM Car Driver by DRM even though different Trade unions raised their protest. Such practice may be strictly restricted.

9. Quality of food at running rooms to be monitored. As per RBE 35/2010, No.2006/M(L)/467/2 Dated 24.02.2010, “ There should be a regular system of quarterly inspection of the quality of food being served under this scheme by a committee of 3 officers constituting Se DME, Sr DEE and Sr DOM at divisional level…”  But unfortunately such inspection does not materialized.
Subsidized meals provision may be extended to all Running Rooms. In Salem running room even though it is a Divisional Head Quarters still such facility is not extended which cause hardship to the employees.

10. AILRSA raised many objections for utilizing DEMU in Chikballapur section where a number of unmanned LC are existing. We demand to close all unmanned LC or make them manned before utilizing DEMU (with fiber body) to avoid recurrence of accident.

11. Bangalore Division every Saturday and Sunday empty rakes movement are available to Chikballapur, Bangarpet, Dharmapuri and Kolar. Many of such duties are exceeding beyond 10hrs. Such working to be stopped forth with.

12. High handiness of PRC/CRC to be avoided and multiple TO’s to be stopped. Utilising beyond duty hours may be restricted and all the hours to be claimed without PC. Number.

13. Staff to be nominated for training as per seniority to avoid unwanted litigation AC RC and AC training also to be given importance.

14. Quality of the uniform cloth is very poor and stitching charge is meager. We demand to provide uniform allowance to improve the dignity.

15. The Head Quarter LI of Bangalore Division is creating a fear psychosis among the staff. He is behaving loyal than the king. Previously he was thrown away from CPRC post due to the protest of staff. We demand to post senior most LI as LI head quarter by replacing him from the post.

Thanking you                                            Yours faithfully

Bangalore                                                   (C. Sunish)

Copy to all concerned.

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Unknown said...

ye choron ka desh hai yahan koi policy safal nahi ho sakti.problem face commen man hi karega

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