NAME:- __________________________________________________________________
DESIGNATION:-______________________DEPOT/HQ/DIVISION ________________
Q.1.From how long you are in railway as loco running staff? ___________________________
Q.2. Are you satisfied with the job? A] Yes, B] No C] satisfaction with the job but not with the attitude of railway administration. [Please tick]
Q.3. If you choose [C] option in Q. 2, then please give the reason by yes or no. for more justification.
A] Railway administration’ prejudice attitude as increased work load. { }
B] Expecting more strenuous duty by increasing duty hours. { }
C] Improper, unjustified wages and heavy deprival of pay as compared to increased work stress and with compared to other category. { }
D] Unjustified duty hours. { }
E] Facing harassment of officers as they are not allowing, performing the duty as per rule. { }
F]All the above reasons behind dissatisfaction { } and in addition to this ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Q. 4. Are you satisfied with sixth cpc recommendations? Yes/No
Q.5. Did you think the railway administration taking any efforts to solve the loco running staff grievances? Yes/ No/ Delaying the matter.
Q.6. Do you think that ALL INDIA LOCO RUNNING STAFF ASSOCIATION represented your issue to railway board by all democratic means? Yes / No.
Q.7. Do you think that the ALL INDIA LOCO RUNNING STAFF ASSOCIATION time has given ample time to railway administration for constructive and justified decision over the demand of loco running staff pay and allowance and HOER demand but Rly administration is least interested to take fruitful action? Yes / No
Q.8. what type of action you are expecting from association?
A] Association must give some time to Rly administration. _____________________
B] Association must give call for rigid step like i] call for 10” minutes detention of train at every staff changing point._________________________________________________
C] Association must give call for 24 hours HUNGER FAST without stopping of train. Yes/No
D] Association give call for 72 hours HUNGER FAST without stopping of train. Yes/No
E] Association must give call for INDEFINATE HUNGER STRIKE. Yes/No
F] Expecting that association must take the action as prescribed in B to E.
Q.9. Any other suggestion you want to give association. ______________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
even though our demands are right ones the authorities seems dough and dumb.
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