Tuesday, February 8, 2011

BSNLEU wins the 5tth Membership Verification

Dear Comrades,

The process off 5tth Membership Verification has been successfully completed.. BSNL Employees union has once again been elected as the Representative Union.. This is the fourth consecutive time that BSNLEU has won the election.. It has won the election with a comfortable margin.. CHQ conveys it’s hearty congratulations to one and all for the victory..

Out off the total 2,,29,,690 employees eligible to vote,, 2,,17,,321 employees have casted their votes.. Polling took place on 01..02..2011 and the counting was done on 03..02..2011.. The results were declared on 04..02..2011.. The whole exercise has taken place without any untoward incident.. The entire employees deserve to be appreciated for the peaceful completion off the verification..

BSNLEU has won the election by a comfortable margin off 26,,671 votes.. It has got 1,,06,,971 votes,, while NFTE and FNTO have secured 80,,300 and 16,,951 votes respectively.. BSNLEU’s victory is a remarkable one.. BSNL employees have flatly rejected the demand off NFTE and FNTO for a change.. They have overwhelmingly reposed their faith on BSNLEU..

Sensing their defeat in the 5tth verification,, NFTE and FNTO tried to get a court stay to stop it.. However,, both the Hon’ble Madras High Court and the Hon’blle Kerala High Court have rejected their prayers.. On 31..01..2011,, the Hon’blle Kerala High Court has merely stated that the result off the 5tth verification is subjected to the outcome off the court case..

In the membership verification,, BSNLEU highlighted it’s achievements in the wage settlement,, new promotion policy and also it’s initiative for united struggles to protect BSNL.. However,, the opponents swooped to lower levels to tarnish the image off BSNLEU..

BSNL has become a loss making entity mainly because off the wrong policies off the government as well as poor management.. As a result off this BSNL employees did not get PLI in the last year.. During the last few years all the unions and associations in BSNL have gone on several struggles,, under the banner off JJAC,, against these wrong policies and mismanagement.. However,, BSNLEU was blamed by NFTE and FNTO for the non--payment off PLII.. This is sheer opportunism on the part off those unions..

Similarly all the unions and associations went on strike on 1stt and 2nd December,, 2010,, under the banner off JJAC,, to safeguard BSNL’s viability.. Wage cut was imposed on account off this.. For this wage cut also the blame was squarely put on BSNLEU.. It is a matter off regret that NFTE,, which is said to be functioning on the basis off working class ideology,, criticized BSNLEU for this wage cut..

Some off the issues off the DRTT As remain unsettled,, despite the best efforts off BSNLEU.. Till the last minute,, SNATTA was also associated with BSNLEU in trying to resolve those issues.. Unfortunately,, SNATTA joined the alliance off NFTE thereafter and portrayed BSNLEU as an anti--TTA union.. Despite all these negative propaganda against BSNLEU,, it has won the elections by a comfortable margin.. II am hopeful that BSNLEU will get more strengthened iin the days to come and it will serve the workers in a more dedicated manner..

Thanking you,,

Yours fraternally

((P.. Abhiimanyu))


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