Monday, January 24, 2011

All India Loco Running Staff Association (AILRSA) Bangalore Divisional Biennial GENERAL BODY MEETING held at Hotel New Krishna Bhavan,

Sampigue Road, Malleswaram. On 24th January, 2011.

The conference was inaugurated by Sri. VJK Nair, All India Vice President, CITU.

He explained about the present political scenario and the need of resistance by working class as a whole and the railway workers in particular. Rampant corruption is affected in political level with exception of left parties.

Key Note Address: Com. MN Prasad, Secretary General, AILRSA.

He has explained about the struggles of loco men through out the country. The present railway minister is lead the railways almost to bankruptcy, the financial position of railways is so alarming that the ministry of railways instructed different zonal railways not to pay different allowance till march. Which was implemented and subsequently withdrawn due to the resistance by AILRSA and other organizations. But unfortunately the AIRF and NFIR is not resisting these policies. Railway financial crisis is due to poor planning of Railway minister, corruption is increased, every week new new projects, stations, trains etc are being inaugurated in West Bengal particularly and other places by spending huge money. 12 committees are organized by including her followers for no purpose but spending huge TA and allowances. So many major accidents during this regime causing bigger compensation. She is moving jointly with maovoists.

The follwing were addressed.

Sri. KC James, Assistant Secretary General, AILRSA

Sri. Geomy George, General Secretary, AILRSA, South Zone.

Sri.C. Sunish, General Secretary, AILRSA, SWR

Sri.. R. Surendran, Divisional Secretary.

Sri.A Jayachandran, Central Organising Secretary.

Sri. G Rajan, Ex. Central Vice President, All India Station Masters Association (AISMA).

The conference discussed the different issues in detail and passed number os resolutions.

The following were elected as office bearer for the Association .

President : Sri.DS Niranjan, Loco Pilot Mail

Vice President: Sri.S Balachander, LP Mail

Sri P Deepu, LP Goods

Working President : Sri V Ramakrishna, LP Mail

Divisional Secretary: Sri D Raj Kumar, LP Goods

Joint Secretary : Sri P Vijay Kumar Rao, LP mail

Sri S Jagadeesan, LP Pass

Assistant Secretary :Sri PA Moreira, LP pass

Sri VV Suresh Kumar, Asst LP

Organising Secretary : Sri AT Fernandes, LP Pass

Treasurer : Sri P Madhavan, ALP

Internal Auditor : Sri M Kuriakose, ALP

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