Outcome of The 2nd meeting of the MACP Committee
Outcome of The 2nd meeting of the MACP Committee
The 2nd meeting of the MACP Committee was held on 15th September, 2010. The meeting was chaired by the Joint Secretary (Estt.) Department of Personnel and Training. We give hereunder a brief resume of the discussions on various issues taken up by the Staff Side.
1. Item No. 1, 9 and 29,46: The demand was to provide for Grade Pay of the next promotional post under MACP as was given in the old ACP Scheme. This has not been agreed to.
2. Item No.3. Option for each individual employee either to retain the old ACP scheme or to switch over to MACP. It was only agreed by the DOPT that they may consider giving option to the Department and not to the individual employee to retrain old ACP Scheme in respect of either the entire establishment of that Department or for a specific category or cadre of the employees of that Department. They also added that they may instruct the Administrative department to undertake restructuring of the cadres in consultation with the Staff Side which would secure quicker promotion.
3. Item No. 8. Anomaly in respect of Junior Engineers of CPWD. The Official side agreed that CPWD may ask for option to retain the old ACP in respect of Junior Engineers which will be considered.
4. Item No. 2, 10 and 48. The Scheme of MACP to be implemented with effect from 1.1.2006. Not agreed to.
5. Item No. 7.Grant of financial up-gradation under ACP between 1.1.2006 to 31.8.2008 in respect of employees who have opted the revised Pay Band Grade Pay System with effect from 1.1.2006. Agreed to.
6. Item No. 4 and 26. Applicability of MACP scheme to Group D employees placed in the grade pay of Rs. 1800 in PB1. along with the benefit of 3% increment in each stage of up-gradation. Covered by the clarification already issued by the Department of personnel ( See their website)
7. Item No. 5 and 23. Counting of 50% of service rendered by a casual labourer with temporary status for reckoning the 10, 20 and 30 years of service for the purpose of MACP. They will examine the court ruling in this regard according which the entire casual service should count for the purpose of MACP.
8. Item No. 6. Supervised staff placed in higher grade pay than their supervisor. The item has been transferred to the National Anomaly Committee for discussion.
9. Item No.11 and 47. In the Railways and some other departments, promotion continues to be given in the merged pay scales, since these have not been functionally merged. It was demanded that in such promotion increment at the rate of 3% may be granted. The Official side has agreed to consider such cases, if taken up by the respective departments.
10. Item No. 15, 22, 39 and 51.These would be considered in the Anomaly Committee of Railways.
11. Item No. 12, 30 and 49. Those selected under LDCE/GBCE schemes may be treated as directly recruited personnel as was done in the case of old ACP scheme. The Official side agreed to look into it.
12. Item Nos. 13, 16. 24 , 50 and 58. It was pointed out that under old ACP scheme in case of an employee who were reverted from higher post to lower post at this request ( to enable him to get transfer to another recruiting unit) the service rendered by him in the higher post was counted for the benefit of ACP. This should be extended to the MACP as well. The Official side agreed to issue necessary clarification in this regard.
13. Item No.14. A departmental employee who has been appointed to a higher grade by virtue of his being selected in a Direct Recruitment Examination the ten, twenty and thirty years of service for the purpose of MACP to be reckoned from the date of such appointment. Necessary clarificatory order has been issued by the DOPT. ( Please see their website)
14. Item No. 16. The service rendered by an employee who had resigned may be counted if he is given re-employment for the purpose of MACP. The Official side wanted this item to be processed separately.
15. Item No. 17. The service rendered prior to removal or dismissal should count if he is reinstated on appeal or by Courts. The Official side stated that the past service will be considered if so ordered by the Court or the Appellate Authorities.
16. Item No. 36. The service rendered in a State Government/Statutory body /PSU before appointment in the Central Govt. to be counted for MACP. Not agreed to.
17. Item No. 37 and 38. Counting the probation period for the purpose of MACP. This is counted as per the scheme
18. Item No. 42. Application of MACP to a surplus hand redeployed to lower post. This is covered under the scheme.
19. Item No. 18 and 54. A person de-categorised on medical grounds to be treated as a fresh appointee. It was not agreed to .
20. Item No. 41. The service rendered in higher grade who have been redeployed in the lower post on medical de-categorised on medical grounds may be counted under the MACP. The official side agreed to reiterate Railway Board's order issued in the year 2005.
21. Item No. 19, 33 and 53. Stepping up benefit to seniors when the juniors get higher pay on account of financial up-gradation. The Supreme Court has given such an order. The Official side will examine this issue and the copy of the Supreme Court's order may be furnished to them.
22. Item No.20. The Account Assistants in the Railways when appointed on qualifying the Appendix II Examination may be treated as a fresh appointee and his past service in the lower post be ignored. The Railway Board to process this case separately.
23. Item No. 21.27 and 28. The Bench mark of good for entitlement to MACP benefit in cases where promotion to the higher posts is on the basis of seniority cum fitness may be done away with. Agreed to examine and issue necessary clarification.
24. Item No. 24, 40 and 45. Counting of Training period. The induction training period would be counted.
25. Item No. 25. The incentive may be given as applicable to the grade pay granted under MACP. This may be considered by the Railways.
26. Item No.31. Extension of MACP to Staff Car Drivers and other Drivers etc. The orders have been issued separately.
27. Item No.34. Pay fixation on promotion subsequent to the grant of MACP with an increment. This was not accepted.
28. Item No. 35. Notional classification for Central Government employees Insurance scheme for those with Grade Pay of Rs. 4200 to be treated as Group B and covered by the scheme for Group B. Not accepted.
29. Item No.43. There are several illustrations given relating to Railway employees. These were not discussed and each case was asked to be processed separately.
30. Item No. 55. There are no provisions for grant of certain privileges/incentive on grant of MACP as was there in the old ACP scheme. The Item may be considered by the Railway administration.
Friday, October 1, 2010
8:54 PM
By Sunish
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