Sunday, August 23, 2009

Regd. No- 17903
Eastern Railway,
Zonal Camp Office, Burdwan
Date: 10/07/2009

Zonal Secretary,
Com. C.K. Sarkar.
Zonal President,
Com. R.R. Bhagat,

Subject: Proceeding, Delevaration and resolutions adopted in the 17th BGM of AILRSA, Eastern Railway held at ASN in Ragho.Prasad Manch (S.K. Dhar Nagar) on 14.06.09.

The BGM started with the hoisting of flag and garland to the martyrs. The BGM was inaugurated by the chairman of the reception committee com. Bansa Gopal Choudhury honorable M.P. from Asansol in the inauguration speech he narrated about the agitating character of the Loco Running Staff under the leadership of LRSA since 1968. They achieved a lot through straggle but the same are being defined, by the present government and started out sourceing, privitatision and now filling of the vacancy, he also started that it is the duty of AILRSA leadership to unite all railway men so that the strike line 1974 can take place again.

Com. Nirmal Mukherjee leader of the CLW labour union also expressed the unity of the railwaymen which is possible now due to the onslaught their working system and the attack in different manner to the railway man in particular and the working class in general.

Com. M.S. Mondal representative of ERMU, Com D.K. Moitro Zonal see of AIREC, E. Rly, S.P. Singh Br. Sec. of Adra, Com S.P. Sahoo Central Org. Sec. DHN Division Com. N.C. Sharma representative of ERMC, G.C. Goswami Sec. RREA, Asansol and Com S.S. Kamat representation of AIGC also requisted the house and expressed that only LRSA can build up the total unity of Railwaymen because it is a movment oriented organization.

While inaugurating the delegate session Con. M.N. Prasad Sec. General of AILRSA narrated in details about the deprivation of the Loco Running Staff in 6th Pay Commission particularly to the Asst. Loco Pilot because nothing has been consider about their strainous duty, medical standard and other factors have also been ignored. He also explain in details about the programme of action taken by the AILRSA to protect the Loco Running Staff from being neglated in all corner even the TA rate has been increase but the mileage allowances has been fixed as per 1980 RAC formula even trying to evade and also increase rate of TA is not being considered while making out the formula of Running allowance. He also explain the details of vacancy of Running category that is safety category in all India Railway which forced the running staff to work 16 to 20 hours duty and forced them to work inter Railway, Interdivision train for which we should prepare or a long term struggle which required the work man to man contact and explained about our all programme already taken to the workers.

Then the Zonal secretary R.R. Bhagat placed the secretary report and accounts was placed by Zonal treasurer com. N. Sarkar in which total Thirteen delegated took part in the discussion including com. Momita Adhikary the lady Asst. Loco Pilot of Asansol.

After the lunch break both the sec. report and treasurer report including the resolution proposed by Com. Mukul Bhattacharyee are passed unanimously by the house election of office bearer was conducted by com. M.N. Prasad sec. General of AIRLSA which are given below.

List of the office bearer elected in the 17th BGM at Asansol of AILRSA E.Rly.

 Zonal President : Com R.R.Bhagat LP/UDL.
 Working President : Com R.B. Yadav LPP/HWH.
 Vice President : 1. Com.N.K. Singh Retd. LP/MLDT.
2. Com. B.K. Sanyal Retd. LP/ASN.
3. Com. S.N. Prosad LP/SDAH.
4. Com. D.N. Pal Retd. LP/SDAH.
 Zonal Secretary : Com.C.K. Sarkar LPP/HWH.
 Joint Zonal Secretary : 1. Com.M.K. Seal LP/SDAH.
2. Com. N.B. Adarsh ALP/ASN.
 Zonal Asstt.Secretary : 1. Com. Ajay Kumar LP/MLDT.
2. Com. M. Bhattachayee LP/UDL.
 Organising Secretary : 1. Com. S.K.Sarkar Lp/ASN.
2. Com. Mani Bhushan ALP/MLDT.
3. Com. M.K. Roy ALP/SDAH.
4. Com. Ranjan Kumar ALP/ HWH.
 Zonal Treasurer : Com. N. Sarkar
 Internal Auditor : Com. N.C. Mondal LP/SDAH.

[N.B. :- All divisional Sec. and Div. President including the All India office bearer of this zone will also be a member of ZWC as per constitution.]

Resolution adopted by 17th BGM at Asansol on 14/06/2009.

Organizational Resolution :
It is unanimously resolve in the house of 17th BGM of AILRSA, E. Rly. On 14/06/2009 at Asansol that a Bank Account will be opened at BWN positively.
Resolution :
1) Stop injustice of pay structure of running staff give grade pay ALP Rs. 2088/- and risk allowance to all Running Staff.
2) Pay the due arrears of Running Staff from 01/01/2006.
3) Stop working more than 10 hrs. duty from signing “ON” .
4) Fill up all the vacancies of Running Category.
5) Stop unsafe working.
6) Ensure minimum guaranteed 120 KM.
7) Stop all sorts of illegal charesheet and punishment of Loco Running Staff.
With greetings.
Comradely yours,

Zonal Secretary

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