Integrate Chinese tech with Indian Railways
Integrate Chinese tech with Indian Railways, energy sectors: Li Keqiang
By PTI | 20 Mar, 2014,
railway construction is expected to showcase China-India cooperation,
state-run China Daily quoted officials as sa…Read More
Shortage of TTE in SWR
Today's Paper
March 23, 2014
Shortage of TTEs in South Western Railway
Anil Kumar Sastry
This has led to many coaches being left unsupervised
Nearly 300 coaches, e…Read More
Railfracture caused accident
Rail fracture might have caused accident, suspect CR motormen
Mumbai : The
motormen of the Central Railway are of the view that a rail fracture
might have caused the derailment of the 12-car CST-bound local…Read More
NIT Case : Today, 24.03.14 Hearing was there at Mumbai. From AILRSA along with Adv TC Govinda Swamy, Com. MN Prasad, Com Badgujar, Com Geomy George etc attended.AILRSA demanded for a stay to Empowered Committee. Railway clar…Read More
Indian Railway Pharmacist Association
IRPA wants Railways implement CAT Orders
Chennai: Even as the Indian Railway
Pharmacists Association (IRPA) has won a case and got an order from the
Central Administrative Tribunal (CAT), Bangal…Read More
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