Thursday, November 13, 2008

In south central Railway the AILRSA zonal demonstration held on 11-NOV-2008 in front of GM's office,Rail nilayam, Secunderabad was massive & very successful. More than 300 Loco men have participated. They held the AILRSA flags, banners, play cards displaying demands and chanted slogans in support of their demands. They demanded 1.Grade pay of Rs.2800/- to ALPs;Rs.4200/-to LP(Shg);Rs.4600/-to LP(Goods);Rs.4600/-to LP(Pass);Rs.5400/-to LP(Mail& Express);Rs.5400/-to Loco Inspectors.2.Upward revision of pay element to 75%and 60% for retirement& service benefits respectively from the present 55%&30% respectively.3.Extension of Special allowance to all Loco men.4.Appointment of Judicial committee to review HOER. The ALPs have participated in large numbers in making the demonstration a grand success. A memorandum was submitted to the General Manager S.C.Railway. The LUNCH HOUR Meeting was addressed by Com.T. Hanumaiah Joint Secretary General AILRSA, K. Suryakumar Zonal President S.C.Zone Ch. Narasimha Zonal Working President, S.Gurumurthy central office bearer,V.K .Kutty Gen.Sec.& M.K. Shaji Jt. Sec .K.Ramakrishna BZA divn;K. prasad GNT Divn.S. Raghavendra rao GTL.and many others spoke. The demonstration and the speakers have highlighted the grave injustice to the loco men in general and Assistant Loco Pilot in particular,in allotment of pay scales by 6 th CPC and demanded immediate action to allot Grade Pay as demanded by AILRSA

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