Monday, July 20, 2009
5:52 PM
By Sunish
No comments
AILRSA South Western Railway Zonal convention held on 19.07.09 at
Hotel Ayodhya,Harihar.
Sri MR Jayaram welcomed and sri SD Arnold, Zonal President Presided
over the function. General Secratary C.Sunish submitted the
report.Mr.R.Surendran explained about the decisions of all india BGM
held at NAGPUR.
Meeting was addressed by the folowing
A.Jayachandran Central Organising Secretary
K.Nishad Divisonal Secretary-hubli, D.murali,B.N.singh -President
Mysore divison,
K.L.Bhat-convenor-CITU-Davangare dist committee.
The meeting after the detailed discussion pass the following resolutions
1) cancel the penal action taken by Sr.Divisonal Mechanical Engineer
Hubli against 17 loco pilots
2) stop extension of inter divisonal and inter zone working in Mysore,
Bangalore & Hubli divisons
3) Grant uniform alllowance instead of substandard uniform cloths
4)upgrade Railway Medical facilities by providing modern equipments
and other facilities.
vote of thanks was expressed by Mr. B.N.Singh
Hotel Ayodhya,Harihar.
Sri MR Jayaram welcomed and sri SD Arnold, Zonal President Presided
over the function. General Secratary C.Sunish submitted the
report.Mr.R.Surendran explained about the decisions of all india BGM
held at NAGPUR.
Meeting was addressed by the folowing
A.Jayachandran Central Organising Secretary
K.Nishad Divisonal Secretary-hubli, D.murali,B.N.singh -President
Mysore divison,
K.L.Bhat-convenor-CITU-Davangare dist committee.
The meeting after the detailed discussion pass the following resolutions
1) cancel the penal action taken by Sr.Divisonal Mechanical Engineer
Hubli against 17 loco pilots
2) stop extension of inter divisonal and inter zone working in Mysore,
Bangalore & Hubli divisons
3) Grant uniform alllowance instead of substandard uniform cloths
4)upgrade Railway Medical facilities by providing modern equipments
and other facilities.
vote of thanks was expressed by Mr. B.N.Singh
Friday, July 17, 2009
A representation consists of Com.MN Prasad, Secretary General, Com.Jeet Singh Tank, Cetral Treasurer, Com.KC James,Assistant Secretary General met Minister of Railway Sri.KH Muniyappa at his office in New Delhi on 16.07.09 and had a detailed discussion about the problems regarding the pay anomalies of Running staff especially ALP. He patiantly given hearing and asked Sr. Naresh Chandra Gujral, Executive Director,Personnal Grievaces(ED-PG) to meet us and submit a report to the later.
On 17.07.09 our representatives had a detailed meeting with ED PG and convinced him about the grievances. He prepared a report for submitting to MOSR.
Along with this representation met Com. Basudeb Acharia MP, and 10 MP's from Kerala, 6 MP's from Tamil Nadu and submitted copies of our memorandum.
On 17.07.09 our representatives had a detailed meeting with ED PG and convinced him about the grievances. He prepared a report for submitting to MOSR.
Along with this representation met Com. Basudeb Acharia MP, and 10 MP's from Kerala, 6 MP's from Tamil Nadu and submitted copies of our memorandum.
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
10:59 PM
By MN Prasad
Hon’ble Minister for Railways,
Rail Bhavan, New Delhi.
Respected Madam,
On behalf of the Loco Running staff of the Indian Railways, this Union submits this representation before your august office, seeking redressal of their grievances.
The Loco Running Staff of Indian Railways have to play a vital role in ensuring safety and punctuality in train services. Their nature of duty, responsibility the environment on which they work are distinct and different from other Railway workers.
The rules, regulations and instructions pertaining to them too are different. All other Railway workers have a scheduled work, a fixed daily duty hours and regular and constant periodical rest in a week. In the case of Loco Running staff there are no fixed schedule for their duty, which in nature unscheduled according to the timing of train, no fixed duty hours, it may vary and extended up to 16 or 20 hours as the circumstances warranted. Periodical rest in a week has been converted to 4 Periodical Rest of 30 hours or 5 periodical rest of 22 hours in month, thus they are deprived of periodical rest in every week as of others. Continuous night duty for 5 to 6 nights. These distinct and difference is peculiar to Loco running staff of Indian Railway none of the other Government employees in India have such a pathetic circumstances. They are mercilessly treated as machines and not as human beings. In the course they could not look after their family nor keep their health, as others enjoying in Government service.
Therefore a special care be taken in their case. Various Committees and Commissions recognized this position. The Parliamentary Standing Committee on Railway headed by Com. Basudev Acharya .M.P recommended to fix the duty at a stretch to 8 hours after taking into account various position prevails in Railways, the National and inter national norms on working hours, the recommendations of International Labour Organisation etc. The recommendations were placed before the Parliament during 2004.
Recently the Running Allowance Committee submitted its report on 25th November 2008 the Committee held as follows, “the Running staff are crucial and vital to the running of Railway and the fact that the Running staff productivity is critical to the Indian Railway, so it is necessary their motivation level is maintained at the highest level, and upon the implementation of the 6th CPC recommendation, Teachers, Nurses, Section Officers / Sr. Section Officers of Accounts have been placed in the pay band which over shoot conventional Group – C scales. Crucial category like Running staff have to be seen in relation to the difficulties, skill level and environment in which they work and Running staff are distinct from all other Group – C staff and their case has to be accordingly appreciated.”
It seems that the Railway Board too have fully appreciated these position. In the midst of various constraints innumerable instructions were issued to enhance the welfare of Loco Running staff, But to our dismay it never touch the core issue. Their pay packet are not commensurate to the responsibility attached to the post, the skill required to, the health that ask to stay fit to perform the assigned duty. That leads us to explain our grievances in Pay, Allowances and Duty hours.
The two important grievances which we urge can be enumerated as follows –
(a) Limitation of the duty hours at a stretch to eight hours as against the existing practice of about 14 to 16 hours.
(b) Grant of one calendar day rest per week as against the existing practice of a periodic rest of 30 hours each 4 times a month or 22 hours each for 5 times a month
The brief details of the above two grievances are given hereunder for immediate reference:
Right from the pre-independence days, the Loco Pilots / Engine Drivers of the Indian Railways wee subjected to work at a stretch for a period exceeding 16 or 17 hours, without any limitation. This led to various agitations and strikes, particularly between 1968 and 1972 and, finally, during 1973 an agreement was reached between the Association and the Hon’ble Labour Minister to the effect that the duty hours at a stretch of the Loco running staff would be confined to only 10 hours. This agreement was announced in the floor of Parliament on 13.08.1973.
Based on this agreement, the Railway Board issued an Order bearing No. E (LL) 77 – HER / 29 dated 31.08.1978 limiting the working hours of the running staff at a stretch to 10 hours. These instructions were, however, diluted by another Order bearing no. No. EE (LL) 78 – HER / 29 dated 03.04.1981, with the result, the Loco Pilot / Engine Drivers were again forced to work for unlimited hours at stretch, some times even going beyond 20 hours. Unable to bear the strain of such long and inhuman hours of work, further agitations and litigations followed and finally in a batch of petitions filed before the Hon’ble Central Administrative Tribunal, Ernakulam Bench by a large number of Drivers, it was held that the working hours were inhuman and appropriate further directions were issued.
In purported compliance with the directions, the Railway Board also issued another Order bearing No. E/LL/91 HER I-II dated 03.04.1992. These instructions, very flexible in character, had again taken the workers back to the position as it existed prior to 1978 or it may even be said the pre-independence days with the result now almost every Loco Driver, mostly Goods Drives / Asst Loco Pilots are expected to work at a stretch for more than 14 to 16 hours. Again agitations followed, including in the nature of complaints before the Parliamentary Standing Committee on Railways, headed by Shri. Basudev Acharya, Hon’ble M.P made its recommendations that more than 8 hours duty at a stretch should not be extracted from the Loco running staff of Indian Railways and the said Report was placed before the Parliament during 2004.
It is also understood that the Hon’ble Minister of State for Railways Shri. Velu placed before the Parliament the action taken Report on various recommendations made by the Parliamentary Standing Committee and in this report, it is understood, there is no reference to the limitation of the working hours of the running staff to 8 hours at a stretch. In other words, even in this twenty first century of human advancement, the Loco Pilots of Indian Railway toil for 14 to 16 hours at a stretch that is with uncertain working hours. Such working conditions have not only substantially affected the health of the Loco Pilots as recognized by the Railways themselves in the safety related voluntary retirement scheme, the same also affects the safety of the traveling public to a large extent. The members of the family of the Loco Pilots including children also suffer from deprivation and total disenhancement and disappointment.
In this circumstances we humbly pray that at least your good self be pleased to show some human sympathy upon ourselves and limit the working hours of Loco Pilots to 8 hours at a stretch and thus save us from further destruction and peril.
b) Grant of one calendar day rest per week as against the existing practice of a periodic rest of 30 hours each 4 times a month or 22 hours each for 5 times a month :-
Apart from the daily working hours the periodic / weekly rest / holidays of the Loco Pilots is also uncertain as at present. If a Loco Pilots breaks off at 10.00 am a day and joins back for duty at 04.00 pm next day then that is called as availing of a periodical rest and if such 30 hours of ‘Periodical Rest’ is given for 4 days per month, it is stated that the statutory requirement of granting a weekly rest is fulfilled. If such a gap instead of 30 hours is confined to 22 hours, between two spells of duty and if 5 such spells given in a month, then also it is suggested by the Railway Administration that the statutory requirement of Periodical Rest is fulfilled.
As a matter of fact, under statutory provisions, after every spell of duty (which presently run between 14 and 16 hours) a Loco Pilot is entitled to 16 hours rest. If the statutory requirement of 16 hours rest after a spell of duty is also added each Loco Pilot is legally entitled to avail minimum of 46 hours of weekly rest in place of a weekly holiday as in the case of other Office staff.
The absence of such weekly holiday/rest added with uncertain hours of work has virtually shattered the family conditions / health of a large section of Railway employees. A vast majority of them have been rendered medically unfit before the attainment of their age of superannuation and another large section of Loco Pilots voluntarily retired and leave the service unable to stand the inhuman working conditions.
ASST. LOCO PILOT and their Pay Packet:-
The recruitment cadre to Loco Running staff category is Assistant Loco Pilot (ALP). The recruitment qualification is matriculation with ITI, preferably Diploma in Engineering. After recruitment through Railway Recruitment Board, they have to undergo a thorough and stringent medical examination The medical standard of ‘Aye One’ be maintained through out the service as Running staff.
There after they must undergo a 9 months stringent initial training on induction as Assistant Loco Pilot in which they have to undergo training in safety related Rules, regulations and instructions Mechanism / Operations of various types of Locomotives in service including attend of trouble, safety equipments on them, relevant aspects of various coaches / wagons and problems on run, Fire fighting, Function of Shed / Crew lobby Control Office, familiar with the section of Rail track, location of innumerable signals, Boards, Station lay outs, up and down gradients etc. The responsibility to ensure safety of the Passenger which are same as stringent as of Airline Pilots.
No such medical standard, stringent training, responsibility called from any Railway worker at the initial induction period. The lowest Railway of Central Government worker in the hierarchy, fitted in the Pay Band and Grade Pay of Rs. 5200 – 20200 + Rs. 1800. Without considering the highest standard of Medical fitness, stringent training , high responsibility and skill required to perform duty as Assistant Loco Pilot the same Pay Band has been allotted with a Grade Pay of Rs. 1900/- , just Rs. 100/- than the lowest post in the Government Service.
Enhancing a mere Rs. 100/- in Grade Pay alone than the lowest post in Government service to this vital and crucial category, i.e., the Assistant Loco Pilot is shock the mind of all. The Railway Board themselves agreed in this point. We have the pleasure to meet the Member Staff on 19th November 2008, and the Chairman, Railway Board on 6th February 2009. Both were agreed that the Grade Pay allowed to the ALP is not commensurate to the work done by them and the Railway Board is intended to rectify the anomaly and a Committee is appointed to examine the issue. In fact a Committee was constituted on 09.01.2009 to prioritize the issue pertaining to replacement Pay structure; its period was extended up to 3rd October 2009.
It may be noted that the vertical and horizontal relativity of Pay of ALP with the Guards that were existed from 1st CPC has been completely shattered. The following position shows the correct picture.
Period ALP / First Fireman Guard Asst. Guard
1st CPC Rs. 75 - 105 Rs. 60 - 170
3rd CPC Rs. 290 -350 Rs. 290 - 400 Rs. 225 - 270
Cadre restructuring of 1983 Rs. 290 -350 Rs. 330 - 500 Rs. 225 - 270
4th CPC Rs. 950 - 1500 Rs. 1200 - 2040 Rs. 950 - 1400
5th CPC Rs. 3050 - 4590 Rs. 4500 - 7000 Rs. 3050 - 4590
6th CPC Grade Pay - 1900 Grade Pay - 2800 Grade Pay - 1900
From the table it is seen that during 1st CPC the Guard Pay was much lesser than ALP. The Guard’s Pay was raised and made equal at 3rd CPC. The Pay of Guard surpassed the ALP in the year 1983 by way of cadre restructure by the Railway Board. 5th CPC further raised the Pay of Guard much above the ALP. 6th CPC followed suit. Now the ALP is at Grade Pay Rs. 1900/- and Guard is fitted against a Grade Pay of Rs. 2800/-. The Asst. Guard are with the Grade Pay of Rs. 1900/- but the responsibility attached to the post of ALP and Asst. Guards differ widely, so the same pay packet for them is absurd.
The duties of ALP has a sea change from 1st CPC to 6th CPC, responsibility increased, higher skills required, educational qualification made higher, stringent induction training; where as responsibilities and medical standard of Guards stand as it is from 1st CPC to 6th CPC.
We therefore request to reconsider the case of Asst. Loco Pilot of Indian Railways and to allow a Grade Pay of Rs. 2800/-.
LOCO PILOT and their Pay packet :-
The 6th CPC merged the scales of Rs. 5000 – 8000 and 6500 – 10500 to one Pay band of Rs. 9300 – 34800 with a Grade Pay of Rs. 4200/-. Where as the Post which have a scale of 6500 – 10500 were upgraded to a distinctive Grade Pay of 4600. So in fact two grades of Rs. 5000 – 8000 and 5500 – 9000 were merged into one.
The recommendation of the Commission on merger of these scales was that “it should first be seen, if the Post in the three scales can be merged without any functional difference”. If there are functional differences, it need not be merged. In the case of Loco Running staff post of Sr. Loco Pilot (Shunting), Loco Pilot (Goods), Loco Pilot (Passenger) and Loco Pilot (Mail) there are functional difference exist in performing duties and responsibility, therefore allowing same Grade Pay of Rs. 4200/- to all these posts need to be reviewed. A distinctive Grade Pay of Rs. 4200 4600, 4800 and 5400/-be allowed to each Sr. Loco Pilot (Shunting), Loco Pilot (Goods), Loco Pilot (Passenger) and Loco Pilot (Mail).
The Staff Nurse in the scale of Rs. 5000 – 8000 and Nusing Sister in scale of 5000 – 9000 and Nursing Superintend in scale of Rs.6500 – 10500 were allowed with a Grade Pay of Rs. 4600, 4800 and 5400 respectively even though there is no functional difference in their duty.
Added to that the direct recruited Motorman, Guard, TXR, SM /
TTE and a host of categories placed in the Grade Pay of Rs. 4600, 4800, 5400 on completion of 10, 20 and 30 year under ACP. No such chance do exist for Loco Pilots to reach this Grade Pay.
In summary we request to allow Grade Pay as follows: –
Second Fireman - Rs. 2400
Asst. Loco Pilot / 1st Fireman - Rs. 2800
Loco Pilot (Shunting) - Rs. 4200
Loco Pilot ( Goods ) - Rs. 4600
Loco Pilot (Passenger) - Rs. 4800
Loco Pilot (Mail) - Rs. 5400
The entry Pay in Pay band for direct recruits is fixed in First schedule Section II of Railway Service (Revised Pay) Rules 2008. This will be made applicable to those who enter on promotion to the concerned Grade Pay. It may be appreciated that the job attributes, responsibility, medical standard attached to the post of a Loco Pilot differ much with Guards. It is everybody’s knowledge that Loco pilot cannot be equated with Guard in performing duty attached with them. The Loco Pilot was at higher level and they were paid a higher Pay packet than the Guard. After implementation of 6th CPC both were treated as equal and equal Pay were allowed. Thus unequals are treated as equal. The retirement benefit of Loco Pilot and Guard become one and the same. This discrimination caused to Loco Pilot and they finds nothing more than the Guards Pay, be rectified.
An additional allowance of Rs. 500 / Rs. 1000 were allowed to Loco Pilot (Passenger) and Loco Pilot (Mail) considering the onerous nature of duty. Restricting these two categories for this additional allowance is not correct. The entire categories of Loco Running staff are facing the same onerous duty. Therefore this allowance to be extended to others too and the same should be treated as Pay for the purpose of HRA, Running allowance and retirement benefit.
Already many trains such as Rajadhani, Shatabdi Express were provided with Co Pilot instead of Assistant Loco Pilot, considering the arduousness of duty, high speed and related safety. The Running Allowance Committee – 2002 recommended that trains which are run at a speed above 100 kmph should be provided with Co-Pilot instead of Assistant Loco Pilot. This recommendation be implemented considering the safety aspect of high speed trains.
‘The Committee on Running Allowance’ is constituted to decide the quantum of Pay element and running allowance rate, has submitted its recommendation. The recommendations of the Committee that the existing quantum of Pay element shall continue but running allowance rate shall be doubled, abolishing the system of determining the rate of kilometerage on a long established formula.
We are constrained to say that the whole concept of introduction of running allowance scheme by the Railway is not fully understood by the Committee. After all the Running staff should be paid the pay element according to the Basic Pay (Pay Band + Grade Pay) of the individual employee and TA / DA according to TA / DA Rules. This is the minimum concept and is in accordance with basic rules.
Instead of straight away giving it, this has been paid through the scheme of Running allowance. The RAC - 1980 dealt the subject well. They recommended to take the mean of the scale as a compromise formula, otherwise different and distinctive rate have to be derived to different sage in Pay scale as the individual employee is entitled for pay element according to his Basic Pay. Deriving different rate for different stage in Basic Pay is cumbersome and impractical. It may also be noted that while taking mean of the Basic Pay in fact, those who are in higher basic pay will loose and those in lower pay benefited. If the minimum of pay scale is taken to arrive at the rate, the individual employee who draws higher pay will not get the actual amount of pay element which is statutory in nature. If the maximum of Basic Pay is taken to arrive the rate, then unintended benefit will accrue to those who are in lower level in the scale. That is why the RAC 1980 recommended taking the mean pay to arrive at the rate. It was equitable decision. And staff not protested even though there was a loss for those who draw higher pay in the scale.
The present recommendation to take the minimum of pay band be seen in this perception. Those who draw higher pay in the Pay Band will get a lesser amount of pay element, that too a very drastic loss. Pay of many running staff had been fixed in the band above Rs. 22,000/- and none draws at Rs. 9300/- at present.
The observations made by the 6th CPC to pay, allowances with reference to minimum of pay in the pay band in para 7.36.97 of its report were in the nature of suggestion / illustration and this has modified through an errata and held that the administrative ministry concerned will need to take a final view thereon.
Therefore the recommendation may be rejected and mean of the Pay Band and grade pay be taken to arrive at the running allowance rate.
The Committee assumed the TA / DA rate at Rs. 210/-, but subsequently order of Railway Board on TA / DA has been released fixing R. 340/- as TA / DA for the grade pay of Rs. 4200/-. So instead of Rs. 210 an amount of Rs. 340 should be taken as TA for fixing the running allowance rate. Therefore the recommendation of the committee on Running Allowance to double the rate w.e.f 01.09.2009 has to be rejected.
20 days TA / DA in the formulae may be revised at least to 25 days considering the present Crew links / pattern of working.
According to the finding of the Committee on benchmarking, the national average kilometerage arrived was at 4700 km. Therefore the average kilometer of Loco Pilot (Passenger) may be taken at 4700 km and Assistant Loco Pilot be taken as 3700 km to arrive at the Running Allowance rate.
We further wish to point out that the fixation of Loco Pilot (Pass) whose Basic Pay as on 01.01.2006 at Rs. 5500 will be fixed at Rs. 11650 + 4200 GP i.e. at Rs. 15850 and TA of 105 was raised to Rs. 340 with an increase of 3.25 times. In the case of Assistant Loco Pilots the increase in TA rates is from Rs. 55 to Rs. 210. i.e. 3.81 times. Therefore the recommendation of the committee to double the rate of running allowance from 01.09.2006 has to be rejected.
Accordingly it is just to demand that the kilometerage rate of running staff be raised as follows:-
Application of RAC-1980 formula with 25 days TA and 4700 / 3725 km for LP / ALP, the rate from 01.01.2006 to 31.08.2006.
Basic Pay (9300 + 34800) / 2 + 4200 * ( 5830 +20200) / 2 + 1900
Mean Pay 26250 14915
30% of Pay element 7875 4475
New TA rates 105 55
National average km 4700 3725
Mileage rate with TA Rs. 105 / 55 (7875 +(105 X 25) /4700 ) X 100 = 223.40 (4475 + (55 X 25) / 3725 ) 100 = 157.05
Mileage rate with TA Rs. 340 / 210 w.e.f 01.09.2006 (7875 +(340 X 25) / 4700 ) X 100 = 348.40 (4475 + (210 X 25) / 3725 ) 100 = 261.05
• entry pay for Asst. Loco Pilot.
In the light of the above facts, the recommendations of the Committee need to be modified duly considering our demand for increasing the pay element to 60% / 75% and taking national average kilometerage of passenger crew links as 4700 kilometers with 25 days TA.
We hope that the matter may be sympathetically viewed and conceded.
Thanking you,
Yours faithfully,
New Delhi, Secretary General,
All India Loco Running Staff Association.
Hon’ble Minister for Railways,
Rail Bhavan, New Delhi.
Respected Madam,
On behalf of the Loco Running staff of the Indian Railways, this Union submits this representation before your august office, seeking redressal of their grievances.
The Loco Running Staff of Indian Railways have to play a vital role in ensuring safety and punctuality in train services. Their nature of duty, responsibility the environment on which they work are distinct and different from other Railway workers.
The rules, regulations and instructions pertaining to them too are different. All other Railway workers have a scheduled work, a fixed daily duty hours and regular and constant periodical rest in a week. In the case of Loco Running staff there are no fixed schedule for their duty, which in nature unscheduled according to the timing of train, no fixed duty hours, it may vary and extended up to 16 or 20 hours as the circumstances warranted. Periodical rest in a week has been converted to 4 Periodical Rest of 30 hours or 5 periodical rest of 22 hours in month, thus they are deprived of periodical rest in every week as of others. Continuous night duty for 5 to 6 nights. These distinct and difference is peculiar to Loco running staff of Indian Railway none of the other Government employees in India have such a pathetic circumstances. They are mercilessly treated as machines and not as human beings. In the course they could not look after their family nor keep their health, as others enjoying in Government service.
Therefore a special care be taken in their case. Various Committees and Commissions recognized this position. The Parliamentary Standing Committee on Railway headed by Com. Basudev Acharya .M.P recommended to fix the duty at a stretch to 8 hours after taking into account various position prevails in Railways, the National and inter national norms on working hours, the recommendations of International Labour Organisation etc. The recommendations were placed before the Parliament during 2004.
Recently the Running Allowance Committee submitted its report on 25th November 2008 the Committee held as follows, “the Running staff are crucial and vital to the running of Railway and the fact that the Running staff productivity is critical to the Indian Railway, so it is necessary their motivation level is maintained at the highest level, and upon the implementation of the 6th CPC recommendation, Teachers, Nurses, Section Officers / Sr. Section Officers of Accounts have been placed in the pay band which over shoot conventional Group – C scales. Crucial category like Running staff have to be seen in relation to the difficulties, skill level and environment in which they work and Running staff are distinct from all other Group – C staff and their case has to be accordingly appreciated.”
It seems that the Railway Board too have fully appreciated these position. In the midst of various constraints innumerable instructions were issued to enhance the welfare of Loco Running staff, But to our dismay it never touch the core issue. Their pay packet are not commensurate to the responsibility attached to the post, the skill required to, the health that ask to stay fit to perform the assigned duty. That leads us to explain our grievances in Pay, Allowances and Duty hours.
The two important grievances which we urge can be enumerated as follows –
(a) Limitation of the duty hours at a stretch to eight hours as against the existing practice of about 14 to 16 hours.
(b) Grant of one calendar day rest per week as against the existing practice of a periodic rest of 30 hours each 4 times a month or 22 hours each for 5 times a month
The brief details of the above two grievances are given hereunder for immediate reference:
Right from the pre-independence days, the Loco Pilots / Engine Drivers of the Indian Railways wee subjected to work at a stretch for a period exceeding 16 or 17 hours, without any limitation. This led to various agitations and strikes, particularly between 1968 and 1972 and, finally, during 1973 an agreement was reached between the Association and the Hon’ble Labour Minister to the effect that the duty hours at a stretch of the Loco running staff would be confined to only 10 hours. This agreement was announced in the floor of Parliament on 13.08.1973.
Based on this agreement, the Railway Board issued an Order bearing No. E (LL) 77 – HER / 29 dated 31.08.1978 limiting the working hours of the running staff at a stretch to 10 hours. These instructions were, however, diluted by another Order bearing no. No. EE (LL) 78 – HER / 29 dated 03.04.1981, with the result, the Loco Pilot / Engine Drivers were again forced to work for unlimited hours at stretch, some times even going beyond 20 hours. Unable to bear the strain of such long and inhuman hours of work, further agitations and litigations followed and finally in a batch of petitions filed before the Hon’ble Central Administrative Tribunal, Ernakulam Bench by a large number of Drivers, it was held that the working hours were inhuman and appropriate further directions were issued.
In purported compliance with the directions, the Railway Board also issued another Order bearing No. E/LL/91 HER I-II dated 03.04.1992. These instructions, very flexible in character, had again taken the workers back to the position as it existed prior to 1978 or it may even be said the pre-independence days with the result now almost every Loco Driver, mostly Goods Drives / Asst Loco Pilots are expected to work at a stretch for more than 14 to 16 hours. Again agitations followed, including in the nature of complaints before the Parliamentary Standing Committee on Railways, headed by Shri. Basudev Acharya, Hon’ble M.P made its recommendations that more than 8 hours duty at a stretch should not be extracted from the Loco running staff of Indian Railways and the said Report was placed before the Parliament during 2004.
It is also understood that the Hon’ble Minister of State for Railways Shri. Velu placed before the Parliament the action taken Report on various recommendations made by the Parliamentary Standing Committee and in this report, it is understood, there is no reference to the limitation of the working hours of the running staff to 8 hours at a stretch. In other words, even in this twenty first century of human advancement, the Loco Pilots of Indian Railway toil for 14 to 16 hours at a stretch that is with uncertain working hours. Such working conditions have not only substantially affected the health of the Loco Pilots as recognized by the Railways themselves in the safety related voluntary retirement scheme, the same also affects the safety of the traveling public to a large extent. The members of the family of the Loco Pilots including children also suffer from deprivation and total disenhancement and disappointment.
In this circumstances we humbly pray that at least your good self be pleased to show some human sympathy upon ourselves and limit the working hours of Loco Pilots to 8 hours at a stretch and thus save us from further destruction and peril.
b) Grant of one calendar day rest per week as against the existing practice of a periodic rest of 30 hours each 4 times a month or 22 hours each for 5 times a month :-
Apart from the daily working hours the periodic / weekly rest / holidays of the Loco Pilots is also uncertain as at present. If a Loco Pilots breaks off at 10.00 am a day and joins back for duty at 04.00 pm next day then that is called as availing of a periodical rest and if such 30 hours of ‘Periodical Rest’ is given for 4 days per month, it is stated that the statutory requirement of granting a weekly rest is fulfilled. If such a gap instead of 30 hours is confined to 22 hours, between two spells of duty and if 5 such spells given in a month, then also it is suggested by the Railway Administration that the statutory requirement of Periodical Rest is fulfilled.
As a matter of fact, under statutory provisions, after every spell of duty (which presently run between 14 and 16 hours) a Loco Pilot is entitled to 16 hours rest. If the statutory requirement of 16 hours rest after a spell of duty is also added each Loco Pilot is legally entitled to avail minimum of 46 hours of weekly rest in place of a weekly holiday as in the case of other Office staff.
The absence of such weekly holiday/rest added with uncertain hours of work has virtually shattered the family conditions / health of a large section of Railway employees. A vast majority of them have been rendered medically unfit before the attainment of their age of superannuation and another large section of Loco Pilots voluntarily retired and leave the service unable to stand the inhuman working conditions.
ASST. LOCO PILOT and their Pay Packet:-
The recruitment cadre to Loco Running staff category is Assistant Loco Pilot (ALP). The recruitment qualification is matriculation with ITI, preferably Diploma in Engineering. After recruitment through Railway Recruitment Board, they have to undergo a thorough and stringent medical examination The medical standard of ‘Aye One’ be maintained through out the service as Running staff.
There after they must undergo a 9 months stringent initial training on induction as Assistant Loco Pilot in which they have to undergo training in safety related Rules, regulations and instructions Mechanism / Operations of various types of Locomotives in service including attend of trouble, safety equipments on them, relevant aspects of various coaches / wagons and problems on run, Fire fighting, Function of Shed / Crew lobby Control Office, familiar with the section of Rail track, location of innumerable signals, Boards, Station lay outs, up and down gradients etc. The responsibility to ensure safety of the Passenger which are same as stringent as of Airline Pilots.
No such medical standard, stringent training, responsibility called from any Railway worker at the initial induction period. The lowest Railway of Central Government worker in the hierarchy, fitted in the Pay Band and Grade Pay of Rs. 5200 – 20200 + Rs. 1800. Without considering the highest standard of Medical fitness, stringent training , high responsibility and skill required to perform duty as Assistant Loco Pilot the same Pay Band has been allotted with a Grade Pay of Rs. 1900/- , just Rs. 100/- than the lowest post in the Government Service.
Enhancing a mere Rs. 100/- in Grade Pay alone than the lowest post in Government service to this vital and crucial category, i.e., the Assistant Loco Pilot is shock the mind of all. The Railway Board themselves agreed in this point. We have the pleasure to meet the Member Staff on 19th November 2008, and the Chairman, Railway Board on 6th February 2009. Both were agreed that the Grade Pay allowed to the ALP is not commensurate to the work done by them and the Railway Board is intended to rectify the anomaly and a Committee is appointed to examine the issue. In fact a Committee was constituted on 09.01.2009 to prioritize the issue pertaining to replacement Pay structure; its period was extended up to 3rd October 2009.
It may be noted that the vertical and horizontal relativity of Pay of ALP with the Guards that were existed from 1st CPC has been completely shattered. The following position shows the correct picture.
Period ALP / First Fireman Guard Asst. Guard
1st CPC Rs. 75 - 105 Rs. 60 - 170
3rd CPC Rs. 290 -350 Rs. 290 - 400 Rs. 225 - 270
Cadre restructuring of 1983 Rs. 290 -350 Rs. 330 - 500 Rs. 225 - 270
4th CPC Rs. 950 - 1500 Rs. 1200 - 2040 Rs. 950 - 1400
5th CPC Rs. 3050 - 4590 Rs. 4500 - 7000 Rs. 3050 - 4590
6th CPC Grade Pay - 1900 Grade Pay - 2800 Grade Pay - 1900
From the table it is seen that during 1st CPC the Guard Pay was much lesser than ALP. The Guard’s Pay was raised and made equal at 3rd CPC. The Pay of Guard surpassed the ALP in the year 1983 by way of cadre restructure by the Railway Board. 5th CPC further raised the Pay of Guard much above the ALP. 6th CPC followed suit. Now the ALP is at Grade Pay Rs. 1900/- and Guard is fitted against a Grade Pay of Rs. 2800/-. The Asst. Guard are with the Grade Pay of Rs. 1900/- but the responsibility attached to the post of ALP and Asst. Guards differ widely, so the same pay packet for them is absurd.
The duties of ALP has a sea change from 1st CPC to 6th CPC, responsibility increased, higher skills required, educational qualification made higher, stringent induction training; where as responsibilities and medical standard of Guards stand as it is from 1st CPC to 6th CPC.
We therefore request to reconsider the case of Asst. Loco Pilot of Indian Railways and to allow a Grade Pay of Rs. 2800/-.
LOCO PILOT and their Pay packet :-
The 6th CPC merged the scales of Rs. 5000 – 8000 and 6500 – 10500 to one Pay band of Rs. 9300 – 34800 with a Grade Pay of Rs. 4200/-. Where as the Post which have a scale of 6500 – 10500 were upgraded to a distinctive Grade Pay of 4600. So in fact two grades of Rs. 5000 – 8000 and 5500 – 9000 were merged into one.
The recommendation of the Commission on merger of these scales was that “it should first be seen, if the Post in the three scales can be merged without any functional difference”. If there are functional differences, it need not be merged. In the case of Loco Running staff post of Sr. Loco Pilot (Shunting), Loco Pilot (Goods), Loco Pilot (Passenger) and Loco Pilot (Mail) there are functional difference exist in performing duties and responsibility, therefore allowing same Grade Pay of Rs. 4200/- to all these posts need to be reviewed. A distinctive Grade Pay of Rs. 4200 4600, 4800 and 5400/-be allowed to each Sr. Loco Pilot (Shunting), Loco Pilot (Goods), Loco Pilot (Passenger) and Loco Pilot (Mail).
The Staff Nurse in the scale of Rs. 5000 – 8000 and Nusing Sister in scale of 5000 – 9000 and Nursing Superintend in scale of Rs.6500 – 10500 were allowed with a Grade Pay of Rs. 4600, 4800 and 5400 respectively even though there is no functional difference in their duty.
Added to that the direct recruited Motorman, Guard, TXR, SM /
TTE and a host of categories placed in the Grade Pay of Rs. 4600, 4800, 5400 on completion of 10, 20 and 30 year under ACP. No such chance do exist for Loco Pilots to reach this Grade Pay.
In summary we request to allow Grade Pay as follows: –
Second Fireman - Rs. 2400
Asst. Loco Pilot / 1st Fireman - Rs. 2800
Loco Pilot (Shunting) - Rs. 4200
Loco Pilot ( Goods ) - Rs. 4600
Loco Pilot (Passenger) - Rs. 4800
Loco Pilot (Mail) - Rs. 5400
The entry Pay in Pay band for direct recruits is fixed in First schedule Section II of Railway Service (Revised Pay) Rules 2008. This will be made applicable to those who enter on promotion to the concerned Grade Pay. It may be appreciated that the job attributes, responsibility, medical standard attached to the post of a Loco Pilot differ much with Guards. It is everybody’s knowledge that Loco pilot cannot be equated with Guard in performing duty attached with them. The Loco Pilot was at higher level and they were paid a higher Pay packet than the Guard. After implementation of 6th CPC both were treated as equal and equal Pay were allowed. Thus unequals are treated as equal. The retirement benefit of Loco Pilot and Guard become one and the same. This discrimination caused to Loco Pilot and they finds nothing more than the Guards Pay, be rectified.
An additional allowance of Rs. 500 / Rs. 1000 were allowed to Loco Pilot (Passenger) and Loco Pilot (Mail) considering the onerous nature of duty. Restricting these two categories for this additional allowance is not correct. The entire categories of Loco Running staff are facing the same onerous duty. Therefore this allowance to be extended to others too and the same should be treated as Pay for the purpose of HRA, Running allowance and retirement benefit.
Already many trains such as Rajadhani, Shatabdi Express were provided with Co Pilot instead of Assistant Loco Pilot, considering the arduousness of duty, high speed and related safety. The Running Allowance Committee – 2002 recommended that trains which are run at a speed above 100 kmph should be provided with Co-Pilot instead of Assistant Loco Pilot. This recommendation be implemented considering the safety aspect of high speed trains.
‘The Committee on Running Allowance’ is constituted to decide the quantum of Pay element and running allowance rate, has submitted its recommendation. The recommendations of the Committee that the existing quantum of Pay element shall continue but running allowance rate shall be doubled, abolishing the system of determining the rate of kilometerage on a long established formula.
We are constrained to say that the whole concept of introduction of running allowance scheme by the Railway is not fully understood by the Committee. After all the Running staff should be paid the pay element according to the Basic Pay (Pay Band + Grade Pay) of the individual employee and TA / DA according to TA / DA Rules. This is the minimum concept and is in accordance with basic rules.
Instead of straight away giving it, this has been paid through the scheme of Running allowance. The RAC - 1980 dealt the subject well. They recommended to take the mean of the scale as a compromise formula, otherwise different and distinctive rate have to be derived to different sage in Pay scale as the individual employee is entitled for pay element according to his Basic Pay. Deriving different rate for different stage in Basic Pay is cumbersome and impractical. It may also be noted that while taking mean of the Basic Pay in fact, those who are in higher basic pay will loose and those in lower pay benefited. If the minimum of pay scale is taken to arrive at the rate, the individual employee who draws higher pay will not get the actual amount of pay element which is statutory in nature. If the maximum of Basic Pay is taken to arrive the rate, then unintended benefit will accrue to those who are in lower level in the scale. That is why the RAC 1980 recommended taking the mean pay to arrive at the rate. It was equitable decision. And staff not protested even though there was a loss for those who draw higher pay in the scale.
The present recommendation to take the minimum of pay band be seen in this perception. Those who draw higher pay in the Pay Band will get a lesser amount of pay element, that too a very drastic loss. Pay of many running staff had been fixed in the band above Rs. 22,000/- and none draws at Rs. 9300/- at present.
The observations made by the 6th CPC to pay, allowances with reference to minimum of pay in the pay band in para 7.36.97 of its report were in the nature of suggestion / illustration and this has modified through an errata and held that the administrative ministry concerned will need to take a final view thereon.
Therefore the recommendation may be rejected and mean of the Pay Band and grade pay be taken to arrive at the running allowance rate.
The Committee assumed the TA / DA rate at Rs. 210/-, but subsequently order of Railway Board on TA / DA has been released fixing R. 340/- as TA / DA for the grade pay of Rs. 4200/-. So instead of Rs. 210 an amount of Rs. 340 should be taken as TA for fixing the running allowance rate. Therefore the recommendation of the committee on Running Allowance to double the rate w.e.f 01.09.2009 has to be rejected.
20 days TA / DA in the formulae may be revised at least to 25 days considering the present Crew links / pattern of working.
According to the finding of the Committee on benchmarking, the national average kilometerage arrived was at 4700 km. Therefore the average kilometer of Loco Pilot (Passenger) may be taken at 4700 km and Assistant Loco Pilot be taken as 3700 km to arrive at the Running Allowance rate.
We further wish to point out that the fixation of Loco Pilot (Pass) whose Basic Pay as on 01.01.2006 at Rs. 5500 will be fixed at Rs. 11650 + 4200 GP i.e. at Rs. 15850 and TA of 105 was raised to Rs. 340 with an increase of 3.25 times. In the case of Assistant Loco Pilots the increase in TA rates is from Rs. 55 to Rs. 210. i.e. 3.81 times. Therefore the recommendation of the committee to double the rate of running allowance from 01.09.2006 has to be rejected.
Accordingly it is just to demand that the kilometerage rate of running staff be raised as follows:-
Application of RAC-1980 formula with 25 days TA and 4700 / 3725 km for LP / ALP, the rate from 01.01.2006 to 31.08.2006.
Basic Pay (9300 + 34800) / 2 + 4200 * ( 5830 +20200) / 2 + 1900
Mean Pay 26250 14915
30% of Pay element 7875 4475
New TA rates 105 55
National average km 4700 3725
Mileage rate with TA Rs. 105 / 55 (7875 +(105 X 25) /4700 ) X 100 = 223.40 (4475 + (55 X 25) / 3725 ) 100 = 157.05
Mileage rate with TA Rs. 340 / 210 w.e.f 01.09.2006 (7875 +(340 X 25) / 4700 ) X 100 = 348.40 (4475 + (210 X 25) / 3725 ) 100 = 261.05
• entry pay for Asst. Loco Pilot.
In the light of the above facts, the recommendations of the Committee need to be modified duly considering our demand for increasing the pay element to 60% / 75% and taking national average kilometerage of passenger crew links as 4700 kilometers with 25 days TA.
We hope that the matter may be sympathetically viewed and conceded.
Thanking you,
Yours faithfully,
New Delhi, Secretary General,
All India Loco Running Staff Association.
10:59 PM
By MN Prasad
No comments
Hon’ble Minister for Railways,
Rail Bhavan, New Delhi.
Respected Madam,
On behalf of the Loco Running staff of the Indian Railways, this Union submits this representation before your august office, seeking redressal of their grievances.
The Loco Running Staff of Indian Railways have to play a vital role in ensuring safety and punctuality in train services. Their nature of duty, responsibility the environment on which they work are distinct and different from other Railway workers.
The rules, regulations and instructions pertaining to them too are different. All other Railway workers have a scheduled work, a fixed daily duty hours and regular and constant periodical rest in a week. In the case of Loco Running staff there are no fixed schedule for their duty, which in nature unscheduled according to the timing of train, no fixed duty hours, it may vary and extended up to 16 or 20 hours as the circumstances warranted. Periodical rest in a week has been converted to 4 Periodical Rest of 30 hours or 5 periodical rest of 22 hours in month, thus they are deprived of periodical rest in every week as of others. Continuous night duty for 5 to 6 nights. These distinct and difference is peculiar to Loco running staff of Indian Railway none of the other Government employees in India have such a pathetic circumstances. They are mercilessly treated as machines and not as human beings. In the course they could not look after their family nor keep their health, as others enjoying in Government service.
Therefore a special care be taken in their case. Various Committees and Commissions recognized this position. The Parliamentary Standing Committee on Railway headed by Com. Basudev Acharya .M.P recommended to fix the duty at a stretch to 8 hours after taking into account various position prevails in Railways, the National and inter national norms on working hours, the recommendations of International Labour Organisation etc. The recommendations were placed before the Parliament during 2004.
Recently the Running Allowance Committee submitted its report on 25th November 2008 the Committee held as follows, “the Running staff are crucial and vital to the running of Railway and the fact that the Running staff productivity is critical to the Indian Railway, so it is necessary their motivation level is maintained at the highest level, and upon the implementation of the 6th CPC recommendation, Teachers, Nurses, Section Officers / Sr. Section Officers of Accounts have been placed in the pay band which over shoot conventional Group – C scales. Crucial category like Running staff have to be seen in relation to the difficulties, skill level and environment in which they work and Running staff are distinct from all other Group – C staff and their case has to be accordingly appreciated.”
It seems that the Railway Board too have fully appreciated these position. In the midst of various constraints innumerable instructions were issued to enhance the welfare of Loco Running staff, But to our dismay it never touch the core issue. Their pay packet are not commensurate to the responsibility attached to the post, the skill required to, the health that ask to stay fit to perform the assigned duty. That leads us to explain our grievances in Pay, Allowances and Duty hours.
The two important grievances which we urge can be enumerated as follows –
(a) Limitation of the duty hours at a stretch to eight hours as against the existing practice of about 14 to 16 hours.
(b) Grant of one calendar day rest per week as against the existing practice of a periodic rest of 30 hours each 4 times a month or 22 hours each for 5 times a month
The brief details of the above two grievances are given hereunder for immediate reference:
Right from the pre-independence days, the Loco Pilots / Engine Drivers of the Indian Railways wee subjected to work at a stretch for a period exceeding 16 or 17 hours, without any limitation. This led to various agitations and strikes, particularly between 1968 and 1972 and, finally, during 1973 an agreement was reached between the Association and the Hon’ble Labour Minister to the effect that the duty hours at a stretch of the Loco running staff would be confined to only 10 hours. This agreement was announced in the floor of Parliament on 13.08.1973.
Based on this agreement, the Railway Board issued an Order bearing No. E (LL) 77 – HER / 29 dated 31.08.1978 limiting the working hours of the running staff at a stretch to 10 hours. These instructions were, however, diluted by another Order bearing no. No. EE (LL) 78 – HER / 29 dated 03.04.1981, with the result, the Loco Pilot / Engine Drivers were again forced to work for unlimited hours at stretch, some times even going beyond 20 hours. Unable to bear the strain of such long and inhuman hours of work, further agitations and litigations followed and finally in a batch of petitions filed before the Hon’ble Central Administrative Tribunal, Ernakulam Bench by a large number of Drivers, it was held that the working hours were inhuman and appropriate further directions were issued.
In purported compliance with the directions, the Railway Board also issued another Order bearing No. E/LL/91 HER I-II dated 03.04.1992. These instructions, very flexible in character, had again taken the workers back to the position as it existed prior to 1978 or it may even be said the pre-independence days with the result now almost every Loco Driver, mostly Goods Drives / Asst Loco Pilots are expected to work at a stretch for more than 14 to 16 hours. Again agitations followed, including in the nature of complaints before the Parliamentary Standing Committee on Railways, headed by Shri. Basudev Acharya, Hon’ble M.P made its recommendations that more than 8 hours duty at a stretch should not be extracted from the Loco running staff of Indian Railways and the said Report was placed before the Parliament during 2004.
It is also understood that the Hon’ble Minister of State for Railways Shri. Velu placed before the Parliament the action taken Report on various recommendations made by the Parliamentary Standing Committee and in this report, it is understood, there is no reference to the limitation of the working hours of the running staff to 8 hours at a stretch. In other words, even in this twenty first century of human advancement, the Loco Pilots of Indian Railway toil for 14 to 16 hours at a stretch that is with uncertain working hours. Such working conditions have not only substantially affected the health of the Loco Pilots as recognized by the Railways themselves in the safety related voluntary retirement scheme, the same also affects the safety of the traveling public to a large extent. The members of the family of the Loco Pilots including children also suffer from deprivation and total disenhancement and disappointment.
In this circumstances we humbly pray that at least your good self be pleased to show some human sympathy upon ourselves and limit the working hours of Loco Pilots to 8 hours at a stretch and thus save us from further destruction and peril.
b) Grant of one calendar day rest per week as against the existing practice of a periodic rest of 30 hours each 4 times a month or 22 hours each for 5 times a month :-
Apart from the daily working hours the periodic / weekly rest / holidays of the Loco Pilots is also uncertain as at present. If a Loco Pilots breaks off at 10.00 am a day and joins back for duty at 04.00 pm next day then that is called as availing of a periodical rest and if such 30 hours of ‘Periodical Rest’ is given for 4 days per month, it is stated that the statutory requirement of granting a weekly rest is fulfilled. If such a gap instead of 30 hours is confined to 22 hours, between two spells of duty and if 5 such spells given in a month, then also it is suggested by the Railway Administration that the statutory requirement of Periodical Rest is fulfilled.
As a matter of fact, under statutory provisions, after every spell of duty (which presently run between 14 and 16 hours) a Loco Pilot is entitled to 16 hours rest. If the statutory requirement of 16 hours rest after a spell of duty is also added each Loco Pilot is legally entitled to avail minimum of 46 hours of weekly rest in place of a weekly holiday as in the case of other Office staff.
The absence of such weekly holiday/rest added with uncertain hours of work has virtually shattered the family conditions / health of a large section of Railway employees. A vast majority of them have been rendered medically unfit before the attainment of their age of superannuation and another large section of Loco Pilots voluntarily retired and leave the service unable to stand the inhuman working conditions.
ASST. LOCO PILOT and their Pay Packet:-
The recruitment cadre to Loco Running staff category is Assistant Loco Pilot (ALP). The recruitment qualification is matriculation with ITI, preferably Diploma in Engineering. After recruitment through Railway Recruitment Board, they have to undergo a thorough and stringent medical examination The medical standard of ‘Aye One’ be maintained through out the service as Running staff.
There after they must undergo a 9 months stringent initial training on induction as Assistant Loco Pilot in which they have to undergo training in safety related Rules, regulations and instructions Mechanism / Operations of various types of Locomotives in service including attend of trouble, safety equipments on them, relevant aspects of various coaches / wagons and problems on run, Fire fighting, Function of Shed / Crew lobby Control Office, familiar with the section of Rail track, location of innumerable signals, Boards, Station lay outs, up and down gradients etc. The responsibility to ensure safety of the Passenger which are same as stringent as of Airline Pilots.
No such medical standard, stringent training, responsibility called from any Railway worker at the initial induction period. The lowest Railway of Central Government worker in the hierarchy, fitted in the Pay Band and Grade Pay of Rs. 5200 – 20200 + Rs. 1800. Without considering the highest standard of Medical fitness, stringent training , high responsibility and skill required to perform duty as Assistant Loco Pilot the same Pay Band has been allotted with a Grade Pay of Rs. 1900/- , just Rs. 100/- than the lowest post in the Government Service.
Enhancing a mere Rs. 100/- in Grade Pay alone than the lowest post in Government service to this vital and crucial category, i.e., the Assistant Loco Pilot is shock the mind of all. The Railway Board themselves agreed in this point. We have the pleasure to meet the Member Staff on 19th November 2008, and the Chairman, Railway Board on 6th February 2009. Both were agreed that the Grade Pay allowed to the ALP is not commensurate to the work done by them and the Railway Board is intended to rectify the anomaly and a Committee is appointed to examine the issue. In fact a Committee was constituted on 09.01.2009 to prioritize the issue pertaining to replacement Pay structure; its period was extended up to 3rd October 2009.
It may be noted that the vertical and horizontal relativity of Pay of ALP with the Guards that were existed from 1st CPC has been completely shattered. The following position shows the correct picture.
Period ALP / First Fireman Guard Asst. Guard
1st CPC Rs. 75 - 105 Rs. 60 - 170
3rd CPC Rs. 290 -350 Rs. 290 - 400 Rs. 225 - 270
Cadre restructuring of 1983 Rs. 290 -350 Rs. 330 - 500 Rs. 225 - 270
4th CPC Rs. 950 - 1500 Rs. 1200 - 2040 Rs. 950 - 1400
5th CPC Rs. 3050 - 4590 Rs. 4500 - 7000 Rs. 3050 - 4590
6th CPC Grade Pay - 1900 Grade Pay - 2800 Grade Pay - 1900
From the table it is seen that during 1st CPC the Guard Pay was much lesser than ALP. The Guard’s Pay was raised and made equal at 3rd CPC. The Pay of Guard surpassed the ALP in the year 1983 by way of cadre restructure by the Railway Board. 5th CPC further raised the Pay of Guard much above the ALP. 6th CPC followed suit. Now the ALP is at Grade Pay Rs. 1900/- and Guard is fitted against a Grade Pay of Rs. 2800/-. The Asst. Guard are with the Grade Pay of Rs. 1900/- but the responsibility attached to the post of ALP and Asst. Guards differ widely, so the same pay packet for them is absurd.
The duties of ALP has a sea change from 1st CPC to 6th CPC, responsibility increased, higher skills required, educational qualification made higher, stringent induction training; where as responsibilities and medical standard of Guards stand as it is from 1st CPC to 6th CPC.
We therefore request to reconsider the case of Asst. Loco Pilot of Indian Railways and to allow a Grade Pay of Rs. 2800/-.
LOCO PILOT and their Pay packet :-
The 6th CPC merged the scales of Rs. 5000 – 8000 and 6500 – 10500 to one Pay band of Rs. 9300 – 34800 with a Grade Pay of Rs. 4200/-. Where as the Post which have a scale of 6500 – 10500 were upgraded to a distinctive Grade Pay of 4600. So in fact two grades of Rs. 5000 – 8000 and 5500 – 9000 were merged into one.
The recommendation of the Commission on merger of these scales was that “it should first be seen, if the Post in the three scales can be merged without any functional difference”. If there are functional differences, it need not be merged. In the case of Loco Running staff post of Sr. Loco Pilot (Shunting), Loco Pilot (Goods), Loco Pilot (Passenger) and Loco Pilot (Mail) there are functional difference exist in performing duties and responsibility, therefore allowing same Grade Pay of Rs. 4200/- to all these posts need to be reviewed. A distinctive Grade Pay of Rs. 4200 4600, 4800 and 5400/-be allowed to each Sr. Loco Pilot (Shunting), Loco Pilot (Goods), Loco Pilot (Passenger) and Loco Pilot (Mail).
The Staff Nurse in the scale of Rs. 5000 – 8000 and Nusing Sister in scale of 5000 – 9000 and Nursing Superintend in scale of Rs.6500 – 10500 were allowed with a Grade Pay of Rs. 4600, 4800 and 5400 respectively even though there is no functional difference in their duty.
Added to that the direct recruited Motorman, Guard, TXR, SM /
TTE and a host of categories placed in the Grade Pay of Rs. 4600, 4800, 5400 on completion of 10, 20 and 30 year under ACP. No such chance do exist for Loco Pilots to reach this Grade Pay.
In summary we request to allow Grade Pay as follows: –
Second Fireman - Rs. 2400
Asst. Loco Pilot / 1st Fireman - Rs. 2800
Loco Pilot (Shunting) - Rs. 4200
Loco Pilot ( Goods ) - Rs. 4600
Loco Pilot (Passenger) - Rs. 4800
Loco Pilot (Mail) - Rs. 5400
The entry Pay in Pay band for direct recruits is fixed in First schedule Section II of Railway Service (Revised Pay) Rules 2008. This will be made applicable to those who enter on promotion to the concerned Grade Pay. It may be appreciated that the job attributes, responsibility, medical standard attached to the post of a Loco Pilot differ much with Guards. It is everybody’s knowledge that Loco pilot cannot be equated with Guard in performing duty attached with them. The Loco Pilot was at higher level and they were paid a higher Pay packet than the Guard. After implementation of 6th CPC both were treated as equal and equal Pay were allowed. Thus unequals are treated as equal. The retirement benefit of Loco Pilot and Guard become one and the same. This discrimination caused to Loco Pilot and they finds nothing more than the Guards Pay, be rectified.
An additional allowance of Rs. 500 / Rs. 1000 were allowed to Loco Pilot (Passenger) and Loco Pilot (Mail) considering the onerous nature of duty. Restricting these two categories for this additional allowance is not correct. The entire categories of Loco Running staff are facing the same onerous duty. Therefore this allowance to be extended to others too and the same should be treated as Pay for the purpose of HRA, Running allowance and retirement benefit.
Already many trains such as Rajadhani, Shatabdi Express were provided with Co Pilot instead of Assistant Loco Pilot, considering the arduousness of duty, high speed and related safety. The Running Allowance Committee – 2002 recommended that trains which are run at a speed above 100 kmph should be provided with Co-Pilot instead of Assistant Loco Pilot. This recommendation be implemented considering the safety aspect of high speed trains.
‘The Committee on Running Allowance’ is constituted to decide the quantum of Pay element and running allowance rate, has submitted its recommendation. The recommendations of the Committee that the existing quantum of Pay element shall continue but running allowance rate shall be doubled, abolishing the system of determining the rate of kilometerage on a long established formula.
We are constrained to say that the whole concept of introduction of running allowance scheme by the Railway is not fully understood by the Committee. After all the Running staff should be paid the pay element according to the Basic Pay (Pay Band + Grade Pay) of the individual employee and TA / DA according to TA / DA Rules. This is the minimum concept and is in accordance with basic rules.
Instead of straight away giving it, this has been paid through the scheme of Running allowance. The RAC - 1980 dealt the subject well. They recommended to take the mean of the scale as a compromise formula, otherwise different and distinctive rate have to be derived to different sage in Pay scale as the individual employee is entitled for pay element according to his Basic Pay. Deriving different rate for different stage in Basic Pay is cumbersome and impractical. It may also be noted that while taking mean of the Basic Pay in fact, those who are in higher basic pay will loose and those in lower pay benefited. If the minimum of pay scale is taken to arrive at the rate, the individual employee who draws higher pay will not get the actual amount of pay element which is statutory in nature. If the maximum of Basic Pay is taken to arrive the rate, then unintended benefit will accrue to those who are in lower level in the scale. That is why the RAC 1980 recommended taking the mean pay to arrive at the rate. It was equitable decision. And staff not protested even though there was a loss for those who draw higher pay in the scale.
The present recommendation to take the minimum of pay band be seen in this perception. Those who draw higher pay in the Pay Band will get a lesser amount of pay element, that too a very drastic loss. Pay of many running staff had been fixed in the band above Rs. 22,000/- and none draws at Rs. 9300/- at present.
The observations made by the 6th CPC to pay, allowances with reference to minimum of pay in the pay band in para 7.36.97 of its report were in the nature of suggestion / illustration and this has modified through an errata and held that the administrative ministry concerned will need to take a final view thereon.
Therefore the recommendation may be rejected and mean of the Pay Band and grade pay be taken to arrive at the running allowance rate.
The Committee assumed the TA / DA rate at Rs. 210/-, but subsequently order of Railway Board on TA / DA has been released fixing R. 340/- as TA / DA for the grade pay of Rs. 4200/-. So instead of Rs. 210 an amount of Rs. 340 should be taken as TA for fixing the running allowance rate. Therefore the recommendation of the committee on Running Allowance to double the rate w.e.f 01.09.2009 has to be rejected.
20 days TA / DA in the formulae may be revised at least to 25 days considering the present Crew links / pattern of working.
According to the finding of the Committee on benchmarking, the national average kilometerage arrived was at 4700 km. Therefore the average kilometer of Loco Pilot (Passenger) may be taken at 4700 km and Assistant Loco Pilot be taken as 3700 km to arrive at the Running Allowance rate.
We further wish to point out that the fixation of Loco Pilot (Pass) whose Basic Pay as on 01.01.2006 at Rs. 5500 will be fixed at Rs. 11650 + 4200 GP i.e. at Rs. 15850 and TA of 105 was raised to Rs. 340 with an increase of 3.25 times. In the case of Assistant Loco Pilots the increase in TA rates is from Rs. 55 to Rs. 210. i.e. 3.81 times. Therefore the recommendation of the committee to double the rate of running allowance from 01.09.2006 has to be rejected.
Accordingly it is just to demand that the kilometerage rate of running staff be raised as follows:-
Application of RAC-1980 formula with 25 days TA and 4700 / 3725 km for LP / ALP, the rate from 01.01.2006 to 31.08.2006.
Basic Pay (9300 + 34800) / 2 + 4200 * ( 5830 +20200) / 2 + 1900
Mean Pay 26250 14915
30% of Pay element 7875 4475
New TA rates 105 55
National average km 4700 3725
Mileage rate with TA Rs. 105 / 55 (7875 +(105 X 25) /4700 ) X 100 = 223.40 (4475 + (55 X 25) / 3725 ) 100 = 157.05
Mileage rate with TA Rs. 340 / 210 w.e.f 01.09.2006 (7875 +(340 X 25) / 4700 ) X 100 = 348.40 (4475 + (210 X 25) / 3725 ) 100 = 261.05
• entry pay for Asst. Loco Pilot.
In the light of the above facts, the recommendations of the Committee need to be modified duly considering our demand for increasing the pay element to 60% / 75% and taking national average kilometerage of passenger crew links as 4700 kilometers with 25 days TA.
We hope that the matter may be sympathetically viewed and conceded.
Thanking you,
Yours faithfully,
New Delhi, Secretary General,
All India Loco Running Staff Association.
Hon’ble Minister for Railways,
Rail Bhavan, New Delhi.
Respected Madam,
On behalf of the Loco Running staff of the Indian Railways, this Union submits this representation before your august office, seeking redressal of their grievances.
The Loco Running Staff of Indian Railways have to play a vital role in ensuring safety and punctuality in train services. Their nature of duty, responsibility the environment on which they work are distinct and different from other Railway workers.
The rules, regulations and instructions pertaining to them too are different. All other Railway workers have a scheduled work, a fixed daily duty hours and regular and constant periodical rest in a week. In the case of Loco Running staff there are no fixed schedule for their duty, which in nature unscheduled according to the timing of train, no fixed duty hours, it may vary and extended up to 16 or 20 hours as the circumstances warranted. Periodical rest in a week has been converted to 4 Periodical Rest of 30 hours or 5 periodical rest of 22 hours in month, thus they are deprived of periodical rest in every week as of others. Continuous night duty for 5 to 6 nights. These distinct and difference is peculiar to Loco running staff of Indian Railway none of the other Government employees in India have such a pathetic circumstances. They are mercilessly treated as machines and not as human beings. In the course they could not look after their family nor keep their health, as others enjoying in Government service.
Therefore a special care be taken in their case. Various Committees and Commissions recognized this position. The Parliamentary Standing Committee on Railway headed by Com. Basudev Acharya .M.P recommended to fix the duty at a stretch to 8 hours after taking into account various position prevails in Railways, the National and inter national norms on working hours, the recommendations of International Labour Organisation etc. The recommendations were placed before the Parliament during 2004.
Recently the Running Allowance Committee submitted its report on 25th November 2008 the Committee held as follows, “the Running staff are crucial and vital to the running of Railway and the fact that the Running staff productivity is critical to the Indian Railway, so it is necessary their motivation level is maintained at the highest level, and upon the implementation of the 6th CPC recommendation, Teachers, Nurses, Section Officers / Sr. Section Officers of Accounts have been placed in the pay band which over shoot conventional Group – C scales. Crucial category like Running staff have to be seen in relation to the difficulties, skill level and environment in which they work and Running staff are distinct from all other Group – C staff and their case has to be accordingly appreciated.”
It seems that the Railway Board too have fully appreciated these position. In the midst of various constraints innumerable instructions were issued to enhance the welfare of Loco Running staff, But to our dismay it never touch the core issue. Their pay packet are not commensurate to the responsibility attached to the post, the skill required to, the health that ask to stay fit to perform the assigned duty. That leads us to explain our grievances in Pay, Allowances and Duty hours.
The two important grievances which we urge can be enumerated as follows –
(a) Limitation of the duty hours at a stretch to eight hours as against the existing practice of about 14 to 16 hours.
(b) Grant of one calendar day rest per week as against the existing practice of a periodic rest of 30 hours each 4 times a month or 22 hours each for 5 times a month
The brief details of the above two grievances are given hereunder for immediate reference:
Right from the pre-independence days, the Loco Pilots / Engine Drivers of the Indian Railways wee subjected to work at a stretch for a period exceeding 16 or 17 hours, without any limitation. This led to various agitations and strikes, particularly between 1968 and 1972 and, finally, during 1973 an agreement was reached between the Association and the Hon’ble Labour Minister to the effect that the duty hours at a stretch of the Loco running staff would be confined to only 10 hours. This agreement was announced in the floor of Parliament on 13.08.1973.
Based on this agreement, the Railway Board issued an Order bearing No. E (LL) 77 – HER / 29 dated 31.08.1978 limiting the working hours of the running staff at a stretch to 10 hours. These instructions were, however, diluted by another Order bearing no. No. EE (LL) 78 – HER / 29 dated 03.04.1981, with the result, the Loco Pilot / Engine Drivers were again forced to work for unlimited hours at stretch, some times even going beyond 20 hours. Unable to bear the strain of such long and inhuman hours of work, further agitations and litigations followed and finally in a batch of petitions filed before the Hon’ble Central Administrative Tribunal, Ernakulam Bench by a large number of Drivers, it was held that the working hours were inhuman and appropriate further directions were issued.
In purported compliance with the directions, the Railway Board also issued another Order bearing No. E/LL/91 HER I-II dated 03.04.1992. These instructions, very flexible in character, had again taken the workers back to the position as it existed prior to 1978 or it may even be said the pre-independence days with the result now almost every Loco Driver, mostly Goods Drives / Asst Loco Pilots are expected to work at a stretch for more than 14 to 16 hours. Again agitations followed, including in the nature of complaints before the Parliamentary Standing Committee on Railways, headed by Shri. Basudev Acharya, Hon’ble M.P made its recommendations that more than 8 hours duty at a stretch should not be extracted from the Loco running staff of Indian Railways and the said Report was placed before the Parliament during 2004.
It is also understood that the Hon’ble Minister of State for Railways Shri. Velu placed before the Parliament the action taken Report on various recommendations made by the Parliamentary Standing Committee and in this report, it is understood, there is no reference to the limitation of the working hours of the running staff to 8 hours at a stretch. In other words, even in this twenty first century of human advancement, the Loco Pilots of Indian Railway toil for 14 to 16 hours at a stretch that is with uncertain working hours. Such working conditions have not only substantially affected the health of the Loco Pilots as recognized by the Railways themselves in the safety related voluntary retirement scheme, the same also affects the safety of the traveling public to a large extent. The members of the family of the Loco Pilots including children also suffer from deprivation and total disenhancement and disappointment.
In this circumstances we humbly pray that at least your good self be pleased to show some human sympathy upon ourselves and limit the working hours of Loco Pilots to 8 hours at a stretch and thus save us from further destruction and peril.
b) Grant of one calendar day rest per week as against the existing practice of a periodic rest of 30 hours each 4 times a month or 22 hours each for 5 times a month :-
Apart from the daily working hours the periodic / weekly rest / holidays of the Loco Pilots is also uncertain as at present. If a Loco Pilots breaks off at 10.00 am a day and joins back for duty at 04.00 pm next day then that is called as availing of a periodical rest and if such 30 hours of ‘Periodical Rest’ is given for 4 days per month, it is stated that the statutory requirement of granting a weekly rest is fulfilled. If such a gap instead of 30 hours is confined to 22 hours, between two spells of duty and if 5 such spells given in a month, then also it is suggested by the Railway Administration that the statutory requirement of Periodical Rest is fulfilled.
As a matter of fact, under statutory provisions, after every spell of duty (which presently run between 14 and 16 hours) a Loco Pilot is entitled to 16 hours rest. If the statutory requirement of 16 hours rest after a spell of duty is also added each Loco Pilot is legally entitled to avail minimum of 46 hours of weekly rest in place of a weekly holiday as in the case of other Office staff.
The absence of such weekly holiday/rest added with uncertain hours of work has virtually shattered the family conditions / health of a large section of Railway employees. A vast majority of them have been rendered medically unfit before the attainment of their age of superannuation and another large section of Loco Pilots voluntarily retired and leave the service unable to stand the inhuman working conditions.
ASST. LOCO PILOT and their Pay Packet:-
The recruitment cadre to Loco Running staff category is Assistant Loco Pilot (ALP). The recruitment qualification is matriculation with ITI, preferably Diploma in Engineering. After recruitment through Railway Recruitment Board, they have to undergo a thorough and stringent medical examination The medical standard of ‘Aye One’ be maintained through out the service as Running staff.
There after they must undergo a 9 months stringent initial training on induction as Assistant Loco Pilot in which they have to undergo training in safety related Rules, regulations and instructions Mechanism / Operations of various types of Locomotives in service including attend of trouble, safety equipments on them, relevant aspects of various coaches / wagons and problems on run, Fire fighting, Function of Shed / Crew lobby Control Office, familiar with the section of Rail track, location of innumerable signals, Boards, Station lay outs, up and down gradients etc. The responsibility to ensure safety of the Passenger which are same as stringent as of Airline Pilots.
No such medical standard, stringent training, responsibility called from any Railway worker at the initial induction period. The lowest Railway of Central Government worker in the hierarchy, fitted in the Pay Band and Grade Pay of Rs. 5200 – 20200 + Rs. 1800. Without considering the highest standard of Medical fitness, stringent training , high responsibility and skill required to perform duty as Assistant Loco Pilot the same Pay Band has been allotted with a Grade Pay of Rs. 1900/- , just Rs. 100/- than the lowest post in the Government Service.
Enhancing a mere Rs. 100/- in Grade Pay alone than the lowest post in Government service to this vital and crucial category, i.e., the Assistant Loco Pilot is shock the mind of all. The Railway Board themselves agreed in this point. We have the pleasure to meet the Member Staff on 19th November 2008, and the Chairman, Railway Board on 6th February 2009. Both were agreed that the Grade Pay allowed to the ALP is not commensurate to the work done by them and the Railway Board is intended to rectify the anomaly and a Committee is appointed to examine the issue. In fact a Committee was constituted on 09.01.2009 to prioritize the issue pertaining to replacement Pay structure; its period was extended up to 3rd October 2009.
It may be noted that the vertical and horizontal relativity of Pay of ALP with the Guards that were existed from 1st CPC has been completely shattered. The following position shows the correct picture.
Period ALP / First Fireman Guard Asst. Guard
1st CPC Rs. 75 - 105 Rs. 60 - 170
3rd CPC Rs. 290 -350 Rs. 290 - 400 Rs. 225 - 270
Cadre restructuring of 1983 Rs. 290 -350 Rs. 330 - 500 Rs. 225 - 270
4th CPC Rs. 950 - 1500 Rs. 1200 - 2040 Rs. 950 - 1400
5th CPC Rs. 3050 - 4590 Rs. 4500 - 7000 Rs. 3050 - 4590
6th CPC Grade Pay - 1900 Grade Pay - 2800 Grade Pay - 1900
From the table it is seen that during 1st CPC the Guard Pay was much lesser than ALP. The Guard’s Pay was raised and made equal at 3rd CPC. The Pay of Guard surpassed the ALP in the year 1983 by way of cadre restructure by the Railway Board. 5th CPC further raised the Pay of Guard much above the ALP. 6th CPC followed suit. Now the ALP is at Grade Pay Rs. 1900/- and Guard is fitted against a Grade Pay of Rs. 2800/-. The Asst. Guard are with the Grade Pay of Rs. 1900/- but the responsibility attached to the post of ALP and Asst. Guards differ widely, so the same pay packet for them is absurd.
The duties of ALP has a sea change from 1st CPC to 6th CPC, responsibility increased, higher skills required, educational qualification made higher, stringent induction training; where as responsibilities and medical standard of Guards stand as it is from 1st CPC to 6th CPC.
We therefore request to reconsider the case of Asst. Loco Pilot of Indian Railways and to allow a Grade Pay of Rs. 2800/-.
LOCO PILOT and their Pay packet :-
The 6th CPC merged the scales of Rs. 5000 – 8000 and 6500 – 10500 to one Pay band of Rs. 9300 – 34800 with a Grade Pay of Rs. 4200/-. Where as the Post which have a scale of 6500 – 10500 were upgraded to a distinctive Grade Pay of 4600. So in fact two grades of Rs. 5000 – 8000 and 5500 – 9000 were merged into one.
The recommendation of the Commission on merger of these scales was that “it should first be seen, if the Post in the three scales can be merged without any functional difference”. If there are functional differences, it need not be merged. In the case of Loco Running staff post of Sr. Loco Pilot (Shunting), Loco Pilot (Goods), Loco Pilot (Passenger) and Loco Pilot (Mail) there are functional difference exist in performing duties and responsibility, therefore allowing same Grade Pay of Rs. 4200/- to all these posts need to be reviewed. A distinctive Grade Pay of Rs. 4200 4600, 4800 and 5400/-be allowed to each Sr. Loco Pilot (Shunting), Loco Pilot (Goods), Loco Pilot (Passenger) and Loco Pilot (Mail).
The Staff Nurse in the scale of Rs. 5000 – 8000 and Nusing Sister in scale of 5000 – 9000 and Nursing Superintend in scale of Rs.6500 – 10500 were allowed with a Grade Pay of Rs. 4600, 4800 and 5400 respectively even though there is no functional difference in their duty.
Added to that the direct recruited Motorman, Guard, TXR, SM /
TTE and a host of categories placed in the Grade Pay of Rs. 4600, 4800, 5400 on completion of 10, 20 and 30 year under ACP. No such chance do exist for Loco Pilots to reach this Grade Pay.
In summary we request to allow Grade Pay as follows: –
Second Fireman - Rs. 2400
Asst. Loco Pilot / 1st Fireman - Rs. 2800
Loco Pilot (Shunting) - Rs. 4200
Loco Pilot ( Goods ) - Rs. 4600
Loco Pilot (Passenger) - Rs. 4800
Loco Pilot (Mail) - Rs. 5400
The entry Pay in Pay band for direct recruits is fixed in First schedule Section II of Railway Service (Revised Pay) Rules 2008. This will be made applicable to those who enter on promotion to the concerned Grade Pay. It may be appreciated that the job attributes, responsibility, medical standard attached to the post of a Loco Pilot differ much with Guards. It is everybody’s knowledge that Loco pilot cannot be equated with Guard in performing duty attached with them. The Loco Pilot was at higher level and they were paid a higher Pay packet than the Guard. After implementation of 6th CPC both were treated as equal and equal Pay were allowed. Thus unequals are treated as equal. The retirement benefit of Loco Pilot and Guard become one and the same. This discrimination caused to Loco Pilot and they finds nothing more than the Guards Pay, be rectified.
An additional allowance of Rs. 500 / Rs. 1000 were allowed to Loco Pilot (Passenger) and Loco Pilot (Mail) considering the onerous nature of duty. Restricting these two categories for this additional allowance is not correct. The entire categories of Loco Running staff are facing the same onerous duty. Therefore this allowance to be extended to others too and the same should be treated as Pay for the purpose of HRA, Running allowance and retirement benefit.
Already many trains such as Rajadhani, Shatabdi Express were provided with Co Pilot instead of Assistant Loco Pilot, considering the arduousness of duty, high speed and related safety. The Running Allowance Committee – 2002 recommended that trains which are run at a speed above 100 kmph should be provided with Co-Pilot instead of Assistant Loco Pilot. This recommendation be implemented considering the safety aspect of high speed trains.
‘The Committee on Running Allowance’ is constituted to decide the quantum of Pay element and running allowance rate, has submitted its recommendation. The recommendations of the Committee that the existing quantum of Pay element shall continue but running allowance rate shall be doubled, abolishing the system of determining the rate of kilometerage on a long established formula.
We are constrained to say that the whole concept of introduction of running allowance scheme by the Railway is not fully understood by the Committee. After all the Running staff should be paid the pay element according to the Basic Pay (Pay Band + Grade Pay) of the individual employee and TA / DA according to TA / DA Rules. This is the minimum concept and is in accordance with basic rules.
Instead of straight away giving it, this has been paid through the scheme of Running allowance. The RAC - 1980 dealt the subject well. They recommended to take the mean of the scale as a compromise formula, otherwise different and distinctive rate have to be derived to different sage in Pay scale as the individual employee is entitled for pay element according to his Basic Pay. Deriving different rate for different stage in Basic Pay is cumbersome and impractical. It may also be noted that while taking mean of the Basic Pay in fact, those who are in higher basic pay will loose and those in lower pay benefited. If the minimum of pay scale is taken to arrive at the rate, the individual employee who draws higher pay will not get the actual amount of pay element which is statutory in nature. If the maximum of Basic Pay is taken to arrive the rate, then unintended benefit will accrue to those who are in lower level in the scale. That is why the RAC 1980 recommended taking the mean pay to arrive at the rate. It was equitable decision. And staff not protested even though there was a loss for those who draw higher pay in the scale.
The present recommendation to take the minimum of pay band be seen in this perception. Those who draw higher pay in the Pay Band will get a lesser amount of pay element, that too a very drastic loss. Pay of many running staff had been fixed in the band above Rs. 22,000/- and none draws at Rs. 9300/- at present.
The observations made by the 6th CPC to pay, allowances with reference to minimum of pay in the pay band in para 7.36.97 of its report were in the nature of suggestion / illustration and this has modified through an errata and held that the administrative ministry concerned will need to take a final view thereon.
Therefore the recommendation may be rejected and mean of the Pay Band and grade pay be taken to arrive at the running allowance rate.
The Committee assumed the TA / DA rate at Rs. 210/-, but subsequently order of Railway Board on TA / DA has been released fixing R. 340/- as TA / DA for the grade pay of Rs. 4200/-. So instead of Rs. 210 an amount of Rs. 340 should be taken as TA for fixing the running allowance rate. Therefore the recommendation of the committee on Running Allowance to double the rate w.e.f 01.09.2009 has to be rejected.
20 days TA / DA in the formulae may be revised at least to 25 days considering the present Crew links / pattern of working.
According to the finding of the Committee on benchmarking, the national average kilometerage arrived was at 4700 km. Therefore the average kilometer of Loco Pilot (Passenger) may be taken at 4700 km and Assistant Loco Pilot be taken as 3700 km to arrive at the Running Allowance rate.
We further wish to point out that the fixation of Loco Pilot (Pass) whose Basic Pay as on 01.01.2006 at Rs. 5500 will be fixed at Rs. 11650 + 4200 GP i.e. at Rs. 15850 and TA of 105 was raised to Rs. 340 with an increase of 3.25 times. In the case of Assistant Loco Pilots the increase in TA rates is from Rs. 55 to Rs. 210. i.e. 3.81 times. Therefore the recommendation of the committee to double the rate of running allowance from 01.09.2006 has to be rejected.
Accordingly it is just to demand that the kilometerage rate of running staff be raised as follows:-
Application of RAC-1980 formula with 25 days TA and 4700 / 3725 km for LP / ALP, the rate from 01.01.2006 to 31.08.2006.
Basic Pay (9300 + 34800) / 2 + 4200 * ( 5830 +20200) / 2 + 1900
Mean Pay 26250 14915
30% of Pay element 7875 4475
New TA rates 105 55
National average km 4700 3725
Mileage rate with TA Rs. 105 / 55 (7875 +(105 X 25) /4700 ) X 100 = 223.40 (4475 + (55 X 25) / 3725 ) 100 = 157.05
Mileage rate with TA Rs. 340 / 210 w.e.f 01.09.2006 (7875 +(340 X 25) / 4700 ) X 100 = 348.40 (4475 + (210 X 25) / 3725 ) 100 = 261.05
• entry pay for Asst. Loco Pilot.
In the light of the above facts, the recommendations of the Committee need to be modified duly considering our demand for increasing the pay element to 60% / 75% and taking national average kilometerage of passenger crew links as 4700 kilometers with 25 days TA.
We hope that the matter may be sympathetically viewed and conceded.
Thanking you,
Yours faithfully,
New Delhi, Secretary General,
All India Loco Running Staff Association.
10:55 PM
By MN Prasad
No comments
Hon’ble Member of Parliament.
Respected Sir,
This Union represents the Loco Running staff of Indian Railways. This Union wishes to place the grievances of Loco Running staff before your esteemed self. We also earnestly request your good self to raise the issue before the Parliament and persuade the Ministry of Railway to concede the demands of staff.
To draw the attention of Ministry of Railways to our grievances we had staged almost all trade union activities for the past several years, but in vain. All our effort to settle the grievances becomes wild cry. No response shown by the Railway Board in this matter. We are at the last end, and serious protest and resentment brews among staff. We are constrained to take decision to go to strike. Before that once more we try to persuade the Ministry of Railways to look after our grievances; which are as follows.
1. Reduce the duty hours at a stretch to 8 hours for Loco Running staff of Indian Railways.
2. Upgrade the Grade Pay of Asst. Loco Pilot to Rs. 2800/-
3. Allow separate Grade Pay for various Loco Pilots.
These issues were well explained in the attached memorandum addressed to Miss. Mamata Banarjee, Hon’ble Minister for Railways.
The duty hours at stretch of Loco Running staff is an issue from the inception of Railway. Many Commissions, such as ‘Justice Rajadhyksha Committee’, The Railway Labour Tribunal of 1969 are made several recommendations. The ‘Rajadhyksha Committee’ fixed it as 14 hours duty in the year 1947. The Railway Labour Tribunal – 1969 fixed it at 12 hours.
In the year 1973, the Loco Running staff went on strike. In the conciliation held between then Labour Minister Shri. Ragunatha Reddy and the Railway Minister, the Government agreed to limit the duty hours to 10 hours from Signing ON to Sign OFF. This agreement and decision were announced in the floor of Parliament on 13.08.1973. The Rules were changed in 31.08.1978. There after the said rule which limit the working hours to 10 hours were diluted by the Railway Board against the will of the Government, as if Railway Board have not responsible towards Government decision and the constitution of India.
Now by an Order dated 13.04.1992, the duty hours at a stretch raised to 13 hours. We are not demanding reduction of duty hours per week which stands at 52 hours, but what we request that at a stretch duty should not go beyond 8 hours.
The Parliament Standing Committee on Railway headed by Shri. Basudev Acharya .M.P recommended to reduce the duty hours to 8 hours for Loco Running staff.
The Asst. Loco Pilots of Indian Railway were recruited through Railway Recruitment Board. The Minimum qualification is SSLC + ITI. They have to pass a stringent medical exam and induction training for 9 months before absorbing as ALP. There responsibility is to run the train safely and punctually. The job attribute is much higher than the lowest class of employees in Government service. But they are paid with a Grade Pay of Rs. 1900/-, just Rs. 100/- more than the lowest class of Government employee. This is the grievance, justification is to raise the Grade Pay from 1900 to Rs. 2800/-.
The Loco Pilots, working Goods trains, Passenger trains, Mail and Super fast trains are distinctive responsibility and require different skill. They all being paid with one and the same Grade Pay of Rs. 4200/-. This need to be reviewed and separate and higher Grade Pay be allowed to them.
We plead before your esteemed-self to intervene and persuade the Ministry of Railway to concede these demand. We want an amicable settlement. We should not be drive to the extreme trade union action, THE STRIKE.
Thanking you,
Yours faithfully,
New Delhi, Secretary General,
Dated All India Loco Running Staff Association.
Hon’ble Member of Parliament.
Respected Sir,
This Union represents the Loco Running staff of Indian Railways. This Union wishes to place the grievances of Loco Running staff before your esteemed self. We also earnestly request your good self to raise the issue before the Parliament and persuade the Ministry of Railway to concede the demands of staff.
To draw the attention of Ministry of Railways to our grievances we had staged almost all trade union activities for the past several years, but in vain. All our effort to settle the grievances becomes wild cry. No response shown by the Railway Board in this matter. We are at the last end, and serious protest and resentment brews among staff. We are constrained to take decision to go to strike. Before that once more we try to persuade the Ministry of Railways to look after our grievances; which are as follows.
1. Reduce the duty hours at a stretch to 8 hours for Loco Running staff of Indian Railways.
2. Upgrade the Grade Pay of Asst. Loco Pilot to Rs. 2800/-
3. Allow separate Grade Pay for various Loco Pilots.
These issues were well explained in the attached memorandum addressed to Miss. Mamata Banarjee, Hon’ble Minister for Railways.
The duty hours at stretch of Loco Running staff is an issue from the inception of Railway. Many Commissions, such as ‘Justice Rajadhyksha Committee’, The Railway Labour Tribunal of 1969 are made several recommendations. The ‘Rajadhyksha Committee’ fixed it as 14 hours duty in the year 1947. The Railway Labour Tribunal – 1969 fixed it at 12 hours.
In the year 1973, the Loco Running staff went on strike. In the conciliation held between then Labour Minister Shri. Ragunatha Reddy and the Railway Minister, the Government agreed to limit the duty hours to 10 hours from Signing ON to Sign OFF. This agreement and decision were announced in the floor of Parliament on 13.08.1973. The Rules were changed in 31.08.1978. There after the said rule which limit the working hours to 10 hours were diluted by the Railway Board against the will of the Government, as if Railway Board have not responsible towards Government decision and the constitution of India.
Now by an Order dated 13.04.1992, the duty hours at a stretch raised to 13 hours. We are not demanding reduction of duty hours per week which stands at 52 hours, but what we request that at a stretch duty should not go beyond 8 hours.
The Parliament Standing Committee on Railway headed by Shri. Basudev Acharya .M.P recommended to reduce the duty hours to 8 hours for Loco Running staff.
The Asst. Loco Pilots of Indian Railway were recruited through Railway Recruitment Board. The Minimum qualification is SSLC + ITI. They have to pass a stringent medical exam and induction training for 9 months before absorbing as ALP. There responsibility is to run the train safely and punctually. The job attribute is much higher than the lowest class of employees in Government service. But they are paid with a Grade Pay of Rs. 1900/-, just Rs. 100/- more than the lowest class of Government employee. This is the grievance, justification is to raise the Grade Pay from 1900 to Rs. 2800/-.
The Loco Pilots, working Goods trains, Passenger trains, Mail and Super fast trains are distinctive responsibility and require different skill. They all being paid with one and the same Grade Pay of Rs. 4200/-. This need to be reviewed and separate and higher Grade Pay be allowed to them.
We plead before your esteemed-self to intervene and persuade the Ministry of Railway to concede these demand. We want an amicable settlement. We should not be drive to the extreme trade union action, THE STRIKE.
Thanking you,
Yours faithfully,
New Delhi, Secretary General,
Dated All India Loco Running Staff Association.
Friday, July 3, 2009
The resolution has been adopted in 18th BGM which has been held at Nagpur on 25th & 26th June 2009.
1. This 18th Biennial General Meeting of All India Loco Running Staff Association consist of Loco Pilot, Assistant Loco Pilots, Motorman who have a pioneer role in maintaining the safety, efficiency and punctuality of the Railways. While welcoming the new Central Government assuming the power we extend our full support, Co-operation in maintaining the production, efficiency, punctuality and safety in the Railways. Simultaneously the Association draws the attention of the Government. On the following long pending grievances and request to concede it to maintain a healthy labour relation.
2. The 6th CPC and the Committee on Running allowance has done a great injustice against this vital categories in regards to their grade pay and the rate of Running allowance, where as they are maintaining the train services at the cost of their lives, blood and health scarifying their social life, running with the train day and night, in sun (unbearable temperature) and rain, even ignoring or refusing the call of nature. The Loco Running Staff of Indian Railway under the banner of AILRSA have been agitating since the day of publication of 6th CPC and Government notification there upon, and have submitted the various representation, justifying their demands to all concerned i.e. Hon’ble PM, Hon’ble FM, Hon’ble MR, CRB the Chairman to High Power Committee, Departmental Committee with a great hope for justice. Even the thousands of Loco Running Staff through its individual representation tried to draw the attention of Hon’ble PM and Hon’ble President of India but all have gone in vein which is caused for a serious resentment amongst the Loco Running Staff. The Loco Running Staff are very much restive and disappointed. This resentment had gone to that of extent that the Association at a time had to take a decision of strikes from any day, of April 2009. However, by the time, parliamentary election had been declared and to facilitate peaceful election, the Association being a responsible Organization resolved to defer the strike decision. Now a popular Government has already come in power and we strongly believed that this Government will definitely concede our demands as under and not compel us to revive the earlier decision in the interest of nation and travelling public, staff, and safe operation of the trains and for maintaining the productivity of the Railways.
Demands : -
a. The GP for Loco Running Staff needs to be reviewed and to give justice to them, the ALP should be given a GP of Rs. 2800/-, LP (Shunting) Rs. 4200/-, LP (Goods) Rs. 4600/-, LP (Pass) Rs. 4800/- and LP (M/Exp) for Rs. 5600/- in detail justification of our demand has been given in our different representations submitted to Railway Board.
b. The rate of kilometer-age should be formulated based on Rs. 210/- the rate of TA for ALP and Rs. 340/- for LPs, 30% of the mean pay of PB1 for ALP and PB2 for LPs as pay element as recommended by RAC 1980.
c. Onerous duty allowances to be given to all not only for LP (Pass) and LP (M/Exp)
d. HOER to be reviewed by a judiciary Committee pending which 10 hrs working from Signing “ON to OFF” rigidly to be implemented.
e. Inhuman treatment of some Officials to be stopped henceforth. The ALP should not be forced for coupling / uncoupling the Loco and LPs or ALP should not be forced to carry the tools kit.
3. Inter Railway working to be stopped henceforth, rest should not be abrogated, Leave / Sick should not be restricted. Working a train by a crew without any stop for 6 to 8 hrs. is most dangerous, unsafe, health risky and against the nature should either immediately to be stopped or a break should be given for attending natural call, consuming break-fast and meal.
4. Stop the surrendering the post in Loco Running Cadre and all the vacancies should be filled up without further delay. Crew should brought to HQ within 30 hrs. New posts should be created proportionate to increase in train services.
5. Promotion strictly on seniority basis.
6. In view of continuous brutal terrorist activities in the area, a provision of extra Hill allowances should be made for the Staff working in LMG – BPB – LMG Section in Assam, as also suggested by Parliamentary Standing Committee on Railways in 2006 itself. Simultaneously, the administration should also consider to stop the train services when bundh call is given by the terrorist / extremist Organization in the interest of lives and national properties, or full protection is to be given including the supply of bullet prove coat.
7. A part of Pay i.e. 30% of Pay linked with the rate of Kilimeterage and the 6th CPC report got effected with 01.01.06 and so the rate of kilometerage should be formulate based on well settled formula taking into the increased Pay as on 01.01.06 and arrears of increase rate of KM from 01.01.06 should be paid like wise OT arrears also.
8. Allow break in train running at scheduled time for attending natural call, breakfast, meal etc.
9. A provision of capital punishment in the case of overshooting of signal should be withdrawn. A research should be done by an expert Committee following each of the overshooting case due to human failure to know the cause behind the human failure and then only quantum of punishment should be determined.
10. At present Locomotive sheds are maintaining only the aspects of performance of engine condition. Along with this the minimum requirements of the crew also has to be considered like scandalizing location of A9, SA9, speedometer position in view of direction of run, sound proofing, fan, effective wipers, relocation of horns at extreme ends of loco etc. to be done. A/c of loco cabs to be done without any delay.
11. A condition of running room, crew rest room at all the point should be improved and AC should immediately be provided. The condition of quarter should also be improved.
12. The condition of Railway Hospital is deteriorating day by day; it should be improved by providing the sufficient Doctors of all streams, medicine, equipments and provision of AC in ward etc.
Resolution 2
Organizational resolutions, are adopted in 18th BGM which is held on 25th & 26th June 2009 at Nagpur.
1. The BGM calls upon all the unit of AILRSA to prepare your self, Organizationally mentally for long struggle, and continue with different campaign programmes at their own level. It is further resolved to prepare yourself to continue your struggle till the demands are achieved.
The BGM has further decided the following programmes which has to be implemented seriously.
a. A delegation of Central leadership will try to meet with MR in between 16th to 21st July 09 and also to MPs of different Political parties. The Zone may send at least one representative from the state falls in the Division / Zone to make this work easy.
b. The Divisions must Organize the convention at least on one or two points in their Division in month of Aug. 2009 inviting the representatives of different Organization, people representatives, media etc. the Central Committee members in Zone must attend the Zonal Committee will plan the programme accordingly. The N. F. Railway should have their such type of Organizational programme from 4th Aug to 8th Aug’2009 in the different Division following by their ZWC on 8th Aug’09 in which I shall be present. Similarly the N. E. Railway will convene their ZWC on 25th July’09 at CPR in which also I shall attend. This two both Railway conform this programme and communicate.
c. Zonal demonstration will be organize on 8th Sept’2009 and submission of memorandum to GM, addressing MR.
d. Fast for one day while ‘ON duty or OFF’ duty or in Running room / Training School on 8th Oct’09 with a massive campaign.
e. Rally in Delhi followed by 24 hrs hunger strike during Parliament winter session in Nov’09 date will be given later confirming the starting day of session.
f. CWC will meet on following day of Rally / Hunger strike programme to decide next course of action.
Note: The Division intimate me their programme in the Division well in advance to enable me to advise some of the Central Office bearers to attend this programme.
Resolution 3
This 18th BGM of AILRSA unanimously resolves to change the HQ of Association from ANARA to ADRA in view of change of Secretary General and also the death of Com. S. K. Dhar.
Resolution 4
Since the designation of Loco Driver, Asst. Driver, Shunter has been changed to Loco Pilot (M/E), LP (Pass), LP (Goods), LP (Shunting), ALP so it is resolved to amend the clause no. (5 a i) of the constitution accordingly.
1. This 18th Biennial General Meeting of All India Loco Running Staff Association consist of Loco Pilot, Assistant Loco Pilots, Motorman who have a pioneer role in maintaining the safety, efficiency and punctuality of the Railways. While welcoming the new Central Government assuming the power we extend our full support, Co-operation in maintaining the production, efficiency, punctuality and safety in the Railways. Simultaneously the Association draws the attention of the Government. On the following long pending grievances and request to concede it to maintain a healthy labour relation.
2. The 6th CPC and the Committee on Running allowance has done a great injustice against this vital categories in regards to their grade pay and the rate of Running allowance, where as they are maintaining the train services at the cost of their lives, blood and health scarifying their social life, running with the train day and night, in sun (unbearable temperature) and rain, even ignoring or refusing the call of nature. The Loco Running Staff of Indian Railway under the banner of AILRSA have been agitating since the day of publication of 6th CPC and Government notification there upon, and have submitted the various representation, justifying their demands to all concerned i.e. Hon’ble PM, Hon’ble FM, Hon’ble MR, CRB the Chairman to High Power Committee, Departmental Committee with a great hope for justice. Even the thousands of Loco Running Staff through its individual representation tried to draw the attention of Hon’ble PM and Hon’ble President of India but all have gone in vein which is caused for a serious resentment amongst the Loco Running Staff. The Loco Running Staff are very much restive and disappointed. This resentment had gone to that of extent that the Association at a time had to take a decision of strikes from any day, of April 2009. However, by the time, parliamentary election had been declared and to facilitate peaceful election, the Association being a responsible Organization resolved to defer the strike decision. Now a popular Government has already come in power and we strongly believed that this Government will definitely concede our demands as under and not compel us to revive the earlier decision in the interest of nation and travelling public, staff, and safe operation of the trains and for maintaining the productivity of the Railways.
Demands : -
a. The GP for Loco Running Staff needs to be reviewed and to give justice to them, the ALP should be given a GP of Rs. 2800/-, LP (Shunting) Rs. 4200/-, LP (Goods) Rs. 4600/-, LP (Pass) Rs. 4800/- and LP (M/Exp) for Rs. 5600/- in detail justification of our demand has been given in our different representations submitted to Railway Board.
b. The rate of kilometer-age should be formulated based on Rs. 210/- the rate of TA for ALP and Rs. 340/- for LPs, 30% of the mean pay of PB1 for ALP and PB2 for LPs as pay element as recommended by RAC 1980.
c. Onerous duty allowances to be given to all not only for LP (Pass) and LP (M/Exp)
d. HOER to be reviewed by a judiciary Committee pending which 10 hrs working from Signing “ON to OFF” rigidly to be implemented.
e. Inhuman treatment of some Officials to be stopped henceforth. The ALP should not be forced for coupling / uncoupling the Loco and LPs or ALP should not be forced to carry the tools kit.
3. Inter Railway working to be stopped henceforth, rest should not be abrogated, Leave / Sick should not be restricted. Working a train by a crew without any stop for 6 to 8 hrs. is most dangerous, unsafe, health risky and against the nature should either immediately to be stopped or a break should be given for attending natural call, consuming break-fast and meal.
4. Stop the surrendering the post in Loco Running Cadre and all the vacancies should be filled up without further delay. Crew should brought to HQ within 30 hrs. New posts should be created proportionate to increase in train services.
5. Promotion strictly on seniority basis.
6. In view of continuous brutal terrorist activities in the area, a provision of extra Hill allowances should be made for the Staff working in LMG – BPB – LMG Section in Assam, as also suggested by Parliamentary Standing Committee on Railways in 2006 itself. Simultaneously, the administration should also consider to stop the train services when bundh call is given by the terrorist / extremist Organization in the interest of lives and national properties, or full protection is to be given including the supply of bullet prove coat.
7. A part of Pay i.e. 30% of Pay linked with the rate of Kilimeterage and the 6th CPC report got effected with 01.01.06 and so the rate of kilometerage should be formulate based on well settled formula taking into the increased Pay as on 01.01.06 and arrears of increase rate of KM from 01.01.06 should be paid like wise OT arrears also.
8. Allow break in train running at scheduled time for attending natural call, breakfast, meal etc.
9. A provision of capital punishment in the case of overshooting of signal should be withdrawn. A research should be done by an expert Committee following each of the overshooting case due to human failure to know the cause behind the human failure and then only quantum of punishment should be determined.
10. At present Locomotive sheds are maintaining only the aspects of performance of engine condition. Along with this the minimum requirements of the crew also has to be considered like scandalizing location of A9, SA9, speedometer position in view of direction of run, sound proofing, fan, effective wipers, relocation of horns at extreme ends of loco etc. to be done. A/c of loco cabs to be done without any delay.
11. A condition of running room, crew rest room at all the point should be improved and AC should immediately be provided. The condition of quarter should also be improved.
12. The condition of Railway Hospital is deteriorating day by day; it should be improved by providing the sufficient Doctors of all streams, medicine, equipments and provision of AC in ward etc.
Resolution 2
Organizational resolutions, are adopted in 18th BGM which is held on 25th & 26th June 2009 at Nagpur.
1. The BGM calls upon all the unit of AILRSA to prepare your self, Organizationally mentally for long struggle, and continue with different campaign programmes at their own level. It is further resolved to prepare yourself to continue your struggle till the demands are achieved.
The BGM has further decided the following programmes which has to be implemented seriously.
a. A delegation of Central leadership will try to meet with MR in between 16th to 21st July 09 and also to MPs of different Political parties. The Zone may send at least one representative from the state falls in the Division / Zone to make this work easy.
b. The Divisions must Organize the convention at least on one or two points in their Division in month of Aug. 2009 inviting the representatives of different Organization, people representatives, media etc. the Central Committee members in Zone must attend the Zonal Committee will plan the programme accordingly. The N. F. Railway should have their such type of Organizational programme from 4th Aug to 8th Aug’2009 in the different Division following by their ZWC on 8th Aug’09 in which I shall be present. Similarly the N. E. Railway will convene their ZWC on 25th July’09 at CPR in which also I shall attend. This two both Railway conform this programme and communicate.
c. Zonal demonstration will be organize on 8th Sept’2009 and submission of memorandum to GM, addressing MR.
d. Fast for one day while ‘ON duty or OFF’ duty or in Running room / Training School on 8th Oct’09 with a massive campaign.
e. Rally in Delhi followed by 24 hrs hunger strike during Parliament winter session in Nov’09 date will be given later confirming the starting day of session.
f. CWC will meet on following day of Rally / Hunger strike programme to decide next course of action.
Note: The Division intimate me their programme in the Division well in advance to enable me to advise some of the Central Office bearers to attend this programme.
Resolution 3
This 18th BGM of AILRSA unanimously resolves to change the HQ of Association from ANARA to ADRA in view of change of Secretary General and also the death of Com. S. K. Dhar.
Resolution 4
Since the designation of Loco Driver, Asst. Driver, Shunter has been changed to Loco Pilot (M/E), LP (Pass), LP (Goods), LP (Shunting), ALP so it is resolved to amend the clause no. (5 a i) of the constitution accordingly.
8:54 PM
By Sunish
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The 18th BGM is held at Nagpur on 25th & 26th June 2009 have elected unanimously the following Central Body (CEC / CWC)
1. President : Com. L. Mony LP/ S. Railway
2. Working President : Com. N. Sarkar Retd. LP/ E. Railway
3. Vice President : Com. T. Hanumaiah Retd. LP/ S.C.R
4. Vice President : Com. K. A. S. Mani Retd. LP/ S. Railway
5. Vice President : Com. Prabhunath Rai LP/ E.C. Railway
6. Vice President : Com. Ramsaran LP/ N. Railway
7. Vice President : Com. B. N. Bhardwaj LP/ C. Railway
8. Secretary General : Com. M. N. Prasad Retd. LP/ E.Co. R
9. Joint Secretary General : Com. N. B. Dutta Retd. LP/ E.Co. R
10. Joint Secretary General : Com. Mrinal Sen LP/ E. Railway
11. Asst. Secretary General : Com. K. C. James LP/ S. Railway
12. Asst Secretary General : Com. S. K. Choubey LP/ E.Co. Railway
13. Asst Secretary General : Com. Sanat Sen Retd. LP/N.F.R
14. Treasurer : Com. Jeet Singh Tank Retd. LP/ NE.Railway
Organizing Secretary
1. Com. S. C. Mazumdar : E. Railway
2. Com. P. P. Govindan : N. F. Railway
3. Com. S. K. Goutham : C. Railway
4. Com. A. K. Singh : S. E. C. Railway
5. Com. Roly M. M : S. Railway
6. Com. M. K. Shaji : S. C. Railway
7. Com. A. Jaychandran : S. W. Railway
8. Com. Jafrool Hassan : W. Railway
9. Com. Dayal Singh Rathore : W. C. Railway
10. Com. K. L. S. Yadav : E. Co. Railway
11. Com. S. P. Sahoo : E. C. Railway
12. Com. Trilok Singh : N. Railway
13. Com. Ramprasad : N. E. Railway
14. Com. Dashrath Sahoo : S. E. Railway
15. Com. Ramchandra Chowdhuri : N. W. Railway
CEC / General council Members.
1. Com. R. B. Jadav : E. Railway
2. Com. Jhantoo Sen : N. F. Railway
3. Com. H. B. Singh : C. Railway
4. Com. P. K. Routhroy : S. E.C.R
5. Com. Pandaya Rajan : S. Railway
6. Com. M. Kankaiah : S. C. Railway
7. Com. M. R. Jayaram : S. W. Railway
8. Com. Gajendra Verma : W. Railway
9. Com. Ajay Kanojia : W. C. Railway
10. Com. D. K. Sahoo : E. Co.Railway
11. Com. A. B. Thapa : E. C. Railway
12. Com. Bamkesh Acharia : N. Railway
13. Com. Ramswarup Singh : N. E. Railway
14. Com. Goutam Goswami : S. E. Railway
15. Com. Suresh Kumar : N. W.Railway
1. President : Com. L. Mony LP/ S. Railway
2. Working President : Com. N. Sarkar Retd. LP/ E. Railway
3. Vice President : Com. T. Hanumaiah Retd. LP/ S.C.R
4. Vice President : Com. K. A. S. Mani Retd. LP/ S. Railway
5. Vice President : Com. Prabhunath Rai LP/ E.C. Railway
6. Vice President : Com. Ramsaran LP/ N. Railway
7. Vice President : Com. B. N. Bhardwaj LP/ C. Railway
8. Secretary General : Com. M. N. Prasad Retd. LP/ E.Co. R
9. Joint Secretary General : Com. N. B. Dutta Retd. LP/ E.Co. R
10. Joint Secretary General : Com. Mrinal Sen LP/ E. Railway
11. Asst. Secretary General : Com. K. C. James LP/ S. Railway
12. Asst Secretary General : Com. S. K. Choubey LP/ E.Co. Railway
13. Asst Secretary General : Com. Sanat Sen Retd. LP/N.F.R
14. Treasurer : Com. Jeet Singh Tank Retd. LP/ NE.Railway
Organizing Secretary
1. Com. S. C. Mazumdar : E. Railway
2. Com. P. P. Govindan : N. F. Railway
3. Com. S. K. Goutham : C. Railway
4. Com. A. K. Singh : S. E. C. Railway
5. Com. Roly M. M : S. Railway
6. Com. M. K. Shaji : S. C. Railway
7. Com. A. Jaychandran : S. W. Railway
8. Com. Jafrool Hassan : W. Railway
9. Com. Dayal Singh Rathore : W. C. Railway
10. Com. K. L. S. Yadav : E. Co. Railway
11. Com. S. P. Sahoo : E. C. Railway
12. Com. Trilok Singh : N. Railway
13. Com. Ramprasad : N. E. Railway
14. Com. Dashrath Sahoo : S. E. Railway
15. Com. Ramchandra Chowdhuri : N. W. Railway
CEC / General council Members.
1. Com. R. B. Jadav : E. Railway
2. Com. Jhantoo Sen : N. F. Railway
3. Com. H. B. Singh : C. Railway
4. Com. P. K. Routhroy : S. E.C.R
5. Com. Pandaya Rajan : S. Railway
6. Com. M. Kankaiah : S. C. Railway
7. Com. M. R. Jayaram : S. W. Railway
8. Com. Gajendra Verma : W. Railway
9. Com. Ajay Kanojia : W. C. Railway
10. Com. D. K. Sahoo : E. Co.Railway
11. Com. A. B. Thapa : E. C. Railway
12. Com. Bamkesh Acharia : N. Railway
13. Com. Ramswarup Singh : N. E. Railway
14. Com. Goutam Goswami : S. E. Railway
15. Com. Suresh Kumar : N. W.Railway
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